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Manta Model Expo 2018

Manta Sclalemodels Club

Detalhes do evento

Manta Model Expo 2018
Veliko Tarnovo BG
Clube organizador:
Manta Sclalemodels Club
An unlimited number of modelers are free to participate.
Every participant can enter with an unlimited number of models.
There is no entry fee for the exhibition.
Modeler not present physically for the exposition can also participate, if they have arranged a registration and transportation of their models.
The organizers of the exposition have the right to deny entry to models, which are in clash with ethical, moral, religious, esthetical or lawful norms
O evento tem um concurso
Taxas de entrada:


22. e 23. Setembro 2018
Horário de abertura:
22nd of September (saturday)

- 09:00 - the hall is opened
- 09:30 – opening for registration and model accepting during the whole day
- 09:00 - 17:00 – first exposition day
- 10:00 - 16:00 – different demonstrations on non-stop workshop tables
- 17:00 – the hall is closed
- 20:00 - friendly dinner

23th September (sunday)

- 09:30 - 10:30 – accepting models (models placed in the expo after 10:30 will not be judged by the commission)
- 09:00 - 16:00 – second exposition day
- 10:00 - 14:00 - different demonstrations on non-stop workshop tables
- 10:00 - 14:00 – working with children
- 15:00 – official reward ceremony
- 16:00 - 17:00 – removing and packing models
- 17:00 – closing the hall


2 Ivanka Boteva Str.
5000 Veliko Tarnovo


1 companheiros estão planejando visitar este evento



Angel Yovtshev ayovtshev

Em competição

Mais informações

Todos os detalhes sobre este evento podem ser encontrados no Manta Model Expo 2018 pagina inicial

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Eventos semelhantes

Manta Models Club Expo in Veliko Tarnovo
Manta Models Club Expo
BG Veliko Tarnovo
25. e 26. Setembro 2016


Angel Yovtshev
will attend
Manta Model Expo 2018 in Veliko Tarnovo
Manta Model Expo 2018
BG Veliko Tarnovo
22. e 23. Setembro 2018
12 September 2018, 06:20