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Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

I feel the need ... the need for speed!

Detalhes do evento

Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

- Any kind of F-14 Tomcat (real or sci-fi)

To add your album to this Group build rename your album into:

Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

Now it should be visible in the GB site.
O evento não tem concurso


1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020


33 companheiros estão planejando visitar este evento


Jos Jansen Scale Models Jansen
Sergej I Vargbrujo
Daniel halohead
Greg Baker strobez
Pierre gota
Joost de Ruijter Tomcat211
Andrew dyson Gwyndaffandy
David Bennett yoda105
Michael Phillips Fighting 84
Soeren R. PurpleScaleModels
Bas Jansen basjans
Konrad - Kone
Norman Gruss normanG


Jeremy Wiltcher SHADOFLASH
Donald Dickson II smokeriderdon
Falk Röllig gt-eins
Slavo Hazucha slavatarko
Mark Dennett MarkDennett
Clifford Keesler stormrider509
Spanjaard hetspanjaard
Chris T. An ChrisT.An
Plastic Ripper PlasticRipper

Em competição

Jos Jansen Scale Models Jansen
Sergej I Vargbrujo
Donald Dickson II smokeriderdon
Daniel halohead
Greg Baker strobez
Pierre gota
Joost de Ruijter Tomcat211
Andrew dyson Gwyndaffandy
Mark Dennett MarkDennett
David Bennett yoda105
Clifford Keesler stormrider509
Michael Phillips Fighting 84
Soeren R. PurpleScaleModels
Bas Jansen basjans
Konrad - Kone
Chris T. An ChrisT.An

Albúns de fotografias

There are 27 photoalbums related to this event.

39 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group Build 2020View album, image #28
1:72 Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat (Revell 03960)
14 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
Projeto: Vandy 1 F-14A
1:144 F-14A Black Tomcat (Revell 04029)
13 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
1:72 F-14A (Academy 12471)
12 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
1:72 F-14A Tomcat `VF-211 Iraqi Freedom´ (Hasegawa 02040)1:72 F-14A Tomcat (Eduard 73234)
16 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #3
Projeto: 3omcats
1:144 F-14A Tomcat (Revell 04021)1:144 F-14A Black Tomcat (Revell 04029)1:144 F-14D Super Tomcat (Revell 04049)
59 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat group build 2020View album, image #1
Except for painting FWD windscreen center panel clear green, I'm calling this one done.
14 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #14
Main paint job finished. I am really pleased with the model so far, particularly the preshading. I know, there is still ...
Projeto: USN F-14A
1:72 USN F-14A (Academy 12563)1:72 F-14A (Eduard SS707)
16 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #13
One engine in
Projeto: Tomcat
1:48 F-14A Tomcat (HobbyBoss 80366)
39 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #21
Alright, so is it at least as good as the one on the box?
1:72 Grumman F-14 Tomcat (Design 7210)1:72 F-14 Tomcat - Pitot Probe & Angle of Attack Probe (Master AM-72-007)1:72 USN/USMC Tailhook Striping (AOA decals SS-002c)
49 imagens
F-14A-70-GR VF-1 Ferris 1983View album, image #49
1:48 F-14A Tomcat (HobbyBoss 80366)
70 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #70
I am not 100% happy with the white helmets, I will probably have to do some more work there. I must try remember to add ...
1:48 F-14A Tomcat - Weighted wheels (Wheelliant 148 013)1:48 F-14 A early version - nose tip & Angle Of Attack probe (Master AM-48-048)1:48 F-14A Tomcat cockpit set (Aires 4523)2+
24 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #24
1:144 Micky Scymon w/ F-14A (Hasegawa 65422)
18 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
1:72 Grumman F-14A Tomcat (Fujimi 28002)1:72 F-14 Tomcat - Pitot Probe & Angle of Attack Probe (Master AM-72-007)1:72 F-14A VF111 Sundowners - Miss Molly (HADmodels  72194)6+
18 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #18
1:72 USN F-14A (Academy 12563)1:72 F-14A Tomcat (Eduard 73707)1:72 F-14A VFA-143 Pukin' Dogs EXPERT kabuki masks (New Ware NWAM0701)1+
112 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #112
I deem this one complete!
1:72 USN F-14A (Academy 12563)1:72 F-14A Tomcat (Eduard 73707)1:72 F-14A VFA-143 Pukin' Dogs EXPERT kabuki masks (New Ware NWAM0701)1+
21 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
Projeto: Bullet 106
1:48 F-14D Super Tomcat (AvantGarde Model Kits 88007)
1 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
1:48 F-14D Tomcat (Tamiya 61118)1:48 VF/VFA-32 Swordsman CAG's (Fightertown Decals 48015)1:48 F-14 Tomcat A/C Fans (Steel Beach 48142)2+
19 imagens
AJ-213 Old BlueView album, image #19
Slowly making my way, finding out what can and can't be done with the silhouette. First try went ok, had to cut a couple...
Projeto: Old Blue
1:72 F-14D Tomcat (Great Wall Hobby L7203)1:72 F-14D TOMCAT Bounty Hunters, Grim Reapers, Black Lions, Tomcatters (Modelkasten DC-6)
28 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group Build 2020View album, image #15
1:48 F-14A Tomcat VF-111 "Sundowners" (HADmodels  48194)1:48 F-14A Tomcat (Tamiya 61114)
153 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #133
1:48 F-14A Tomcat (Tamiya 61114)1:48 F-14 Tomcat - Pitot Probe & Angle of Attack Probe (Master AM-48-007)1:48 F-14A Tomcat (Eduard EX540)3+
1 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1
1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Pacific Fleet Squadrons´ (Hasegawa 07018)
44 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #44
Projeto: 2x F-14A VF-1
1:72 F-14A Tomcat (Fine Molds FP30)1:72 F-14A early version - nose tip & Angle Of Attack probe (Master AM-72-034)1:72 Grumman F-14A Tomcat (Eduard 73650)
16 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #13
1:72 U.S. Navy F-14A Tomcat  (Fine Molds FP32)1:72 F-14A Tomcat - Exhaust nozzles - opened (Aires 7286)1:72 Pilot and Operator (Aerobonus 720 027)16+
53 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #52
1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-103 Jolly Rogers´ (Hasegawa 09335)1:48 Jolly Rogers Bone Supremacy (Fightertown Decals 48073)1:48 F-14 Tomcat - Pitot Probe & Angle of Attack Probe (Master AM-48-007)4+
15 imagens
AMK F-14D 1/48 View album, image #1
13 imagens
F-14D Super Tomcat by Tamiya kit 1/48View album, image #1
19 imagens
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020View album, image #1

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1. Outubro até 31. Dezembro 2020


Plastic Ripper
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
13 March 2024, 19:27
Norman Gruss
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
17 November 2020, 13:41
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
13 August 2020, 14:31
Bas Jansen
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
9 July 2020, 19:27
Murad ÖZER
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
2 June 2020, 13:21
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
17 May 2020, 07:46
Treehugger Autor
So I learned just now, that I have to actually click a couple of buttons to become listed, via a button found on the group build page linked above.
 17 May 2020, 07:47
Carlos Martin
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
15 May 2020, 21:33
I added the required album title, but I am not listed as having joined the group build. Was I supposed to do anything else?
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
15 May 2020, 19:05
Michael Phillips
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
15 May 2020, 14:56
Soeren R.
Awesome to see you attending here.
What F-14 are you gonna build? 🙂
 15 May 2020, 15:23
Michael Phillips Autor
Thanks Soeren! I am trying to decide, actually. It will either be the 1/48 Hasegawa F-14B of VF-103 that I have on hold that is already started or perhaps an AMK F-14D that I recently got. That is why I have not added an album to the group build yet. Decisions decisions.
 15 May 2020, 18:26
Soeren R.
Both are indeed interesting subject's.

I was thinking of joining too, but im not really sure
 15 May 2020, 18:41
Łukasz Gliński
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
15 May 2020, 18:28
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
12 May 2020, 17:41
Clifford Keesler
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
10 May 2020, 22:39
Clifford Keesler Autor
Guess I will be dusting off the "cats". How about a VF-2 Bounty Hunters A model or D model?
 10 May 2020, 22:42
👍 Then we're in the same squadron 🙂
 10 May 2020, 22:45
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thanks Daniel.
 10 May 2020, 23:00
David Bennett
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
10 May 2020, 21:16
Mark Dennett
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
10 May 2020, 20:57
Andrew dyson
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
10 May 2020, 16:37
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 18:07
Pierre Autor
Hi!A Tomcat GB is always a good idea! I figure I can enter a cat or maybe two once I finish that Aggressor F-16 from the 2019 GB😉.
 8 May 2020, 18:09
Slavo Hazucha
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 16:07
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
Augie Autor
Ahh that explains it, hope your doin good 🙂 love ya too!
 8 May 2020, 11:16
Holger Kranich
Feel embraced; )
 8 May 2020, 11:38
Falk Röllig
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 08:57
Sergej I
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
Greg Baker
Is this where we sign up? I'm in for a 1/144 F-14A...😉
 8 May 2020, 08:09
@roland Id say everyone starts whenever ready + the already started can join in with their current builds?
 8 May 2020, 08:24
Holger Kranich
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 08:07
Greg Baker
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 07:07
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 06:49
Patrick Hagelstein
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
Jos Jansen
Je album wat gelinkt is aan je project map, de naam geven van de GB en dan zou het er tussen moeten komen te staan...👍
 8 May 2020, 05:25
Patrick Hagelstein Autor
Ik ben er mee aan het klooien: gaat goed komen! 😄 👍
 8 May 2020, 05:36
Donald Dickson II
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
8 May 2020, 00:50
Jeremy Wiltcher
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
7 May 2020, 23:55
Can Aytış
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
7 May 2020, 23:38
Eelco Gregoire
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
7 May 2020, 19:21
Martin von Schreckenstein
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
7 May 2020, 18:59
Jos Jansen
will attend
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020 in
Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020

1. Maio até 31. Dezembro 2020
7 May 2020, 18:52