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Steve Zodiac
Steve Zodiac



Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
3 25 February, 18:40
Steve Zodiac Autor
Usually first steps,
Checking for parts, amazing to find everything still sealed in the bags.
Then wash and air dry.
And last like to prime while on the sprue.
Ready to start in March. 😀
 25 February, 18:45
Steve Zodiac Autor
Making hay while the sun shines.
All washed and primed. 😀
 3 March, 12:43
Steve Zodiac Autor
Made a start to the Falcon. I'm not sure how much will show, but just in case, I gave it an interor colour of off white. Well, to be truthfully honest, it's leftover paint.
From the Space 1999 Eagle and Hawks I did. Waste not want not. 😀
 9 March, 14:39
Steve Zodiac Autor
Top coat on the underside to see how it will look. 😀
 11 March, 18:10

March 9, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
Todos os comentários (17) » 8 26 February, 13:50
Steve Zodiac Autor
Now pin washed and satin matt varnished once dry it should tone down a lot.😀
 9 March, 10:12
Lorraine Lin
1  9 March, 10:17

February 26, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo projeto.
28 imagens
Em progresso
26 February, 13:44

February 25, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo projeto.
21 imagens
Em progresso
25 February, 18:35
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
Todos os comentários (34) » 10 25 January, 17:43
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thoughts on the kit.
It's really well thought out, not being a ship builder as a rule the instructions on the main are easy to follow.
I am sure ship builders would have made a better job of it, but over all I am well please. And a thank you to a friend down under for the advice and encouragement. Good on you Harry Houdini . 😀
 23 February, 09:34
Steve Zodiac Autor
In the shop window, had a couple of nice comments from the regulars 😀
 25 February, 18:30

January 28, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
Todos os comentários (7) » 11 1 January, 21:40
Dave Flitton
Gotchas - (Got-ya (you)) something strange or hard about the build that you could pass on to us that have this kit.
1  27 January, 22:05
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thanks Dave, no I did this kit straight out the box. Of course there are things you can do to make it more accurate, but in my view I wanted it just as I made it back in the day. For a accurate model I buy the new MPC/Round2 version.
1  28 January, 14:24

January 25, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo projeto.
180 imagens
25 January, 17:39

January 20, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
Todos os comentários (19) » 10 2 January, 00:36
Villiers de Vos
A beautiful result. I am a big fan of the first season series on television.
1  19 January, 07:10
Steve Zodiac Autor
Now on display at my local model shop for 3 months along with the original Airfix version. Anyone around Bearwood Birmingham UK can see them in the window of Mr Models 😀
2  20 January, 13:48

January 16, 2025

Steve Zodiac
Can I post about collector item like, I just taken delivery of the new UFO from Gerry Anderson UFO from Anderson Entertainment. Its a beautiful model. But not a kit. ???
16 January, 14:57
You can post about it far as I am aware, just don't add it to the database.
1  16 January, 16:48
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thank you 😀
 16 January, 22:49
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
2 16 January, 18:02
Steve Zodiac Autor
This is a Red Alert
INTERCEPTORS immediate launch
SKY 1 prepare for launch
All MOBILES on Standby.
 16 January, 18:08
Hans-Jürgen Haag
1  16 January, 20:53

January 10, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
3 1 January, 22:00
Villiers de Vos
Iconic. Very nice work.
1  10 January, 14:55
Rui S
I Like it too 👍
1  10 January, 15:20
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thank you it was a fun build, for its age it may not be accurate as the MPC Round2 version, but still a fun build. 😀
 10 January, 18:19
Rui S
I've done it and I loved it then 👍
1  10 January, 19:31
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
5 1 January, 18:01
Villiers de Vos
A classic. Very nice.
1  10 January, 14:54
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thank you, this is not my usual thing and it pushed me all the way, sometimes it's good to be out your comfort zone. 😀
1  10 January, 18:21
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
1  10 January, 19:17
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
9 1 January, 19:08
Ben M
1  1 January, 19:54
Hans-Jürgen Haag
1  2 January, 08:52
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  10 January, 14:54
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thank you, I am not a big fan of 3D printing, but sometimes there no other answer. 😀
1  10 January, 18:20
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
3 3 January, 17:45
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  10 January, 14:53
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
17 imagens
The Invaders View album, image #1
2 5 January, 11:27
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  10 January, 14:53

January 6, 2025

Steve Zodiac
How do you post a review, because this book is fantastic a Gerry Anderson modelers dream. Very informative with a wealth of speculations on the fleet used and areas in moonbase Alpha and the Space 1999 universe. And 1 easter egg I love.
Space:1999 Moonbase Alpha Technical Operations Manual (Anderson Entertainment )
Space:1999 Moonbase Alpha Technical Operations Manual
Chris Thompson, Andrew Clements
6 January, 20:00

January 5, 2025

Steve Zodiac
added Mr Models to dele list of favorite shops
5 January, 06:27
Steve Zodiac
added Mr Models to dele list of favorite shops
5 January, 06:25

January 1, 2025

Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo projeto.
96 imagens
1 1 January, 23:08
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
1 1 January, 21:36
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
Todos os comentários (10) » 12 31 December 2024, 21:40
John Hughes
No, Ben, Space: 1999 predates this by a few years.
 1 January, 18:33
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
4 imagens
Airfix triceratops View album, image #1
7 31 December 2024, 23:25
Mr D
👍 Nice 👍
Great Diorama, stuck in the tar pits to become future Texeco profit 🤣
Nice interesting n different kit , Well done
1  31 December 2024, 23:32
Steve Zodiac Autor
Thank you, the idea came to my because the one in the tar pit had part of a leg missing and yes I could have made one, but the idea just came to me and I developed it from there.
1  1 January, 09:52
Mr D
Worked well 👍👍
1  1 January, 11:16
Steve Zodiac
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
3 1 January, 09:59

December 31, 2024

Steve Zodiac
changed his profile picture.
31 December 2024, 23:15


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