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IPMS Seattle Spring Show

This event is CANCELLED

IPMS Seattle

Detaliile evenimentului

IPMS Seattle Spring Show
Renton US
Organizarea Clubului:
IPMS Seattle
** The facility at which the show is held will remain closed through the scheduled show date. The IPMS Sattle Board will make a decision on rescheduling as the COVID-19 situation plays out. **

IPMS Seattle is proud once again to host its annual Spring Show, one of the largest shows in the US, at the Renton Community Center. We have an increased parking spaces, and the price remains the great deal it always has, $10 for adult model contest entrants, $5 for Juniors Contest Entrants, and $5 for walk ins (those not entering the contest). Over 60 vendors already committed, food service, huge raffle, and a kids Make N Take (Free with their $5 entrance).
For further information, please see our web site.
Evenimentul are un concurs
Taxe de intrare:
$10 USD for adult model contest entrants
$5 USD for junior model contest entrants
$5 USD for spectators


This event is CANCELLED
18. Aprilie 2020
Ore de deschidere:
Doors Open at 9:00 AM
Contest Entries Close at 12 Noon
Awards at 3:30PM
This event is CANCELLED


1715 Maple Valley Hwy
98057 Renton


This event is CANCELLED

1 colegii intenționează să viziteze acest eveniment


Rick Taylor MasterGunner


În competiție

Rick Taylor MasterGunner

Mai multe informatii

Toate detaliile despre acest eveniment pot fi găsite pe IPMS Seattle Spring Show pagina principala

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Rick Taylor
will attend
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18. Aprilie 2020
30 September 2019, 20:04