17th Novosadski Ikar
Detaliile evenimentului
- Nume:
- 17th Novosadski Ikar
- Oraș:
- Novi Sad
- Organizarea Clubului:
- Novosadski Ikar
- About:
- Dear friends and modelers,
We are using this opportunity to invite You to 17. Novosadski Ikar, International scale modelers competition which will be held on June 1st 2024 in Arhive of Vojvodina, Zarka Vasiljevica 2a, Novi Sad, Serbia
We are expecting You all with a bunch of models and good spirit.
For all additional informations You can contact us on aleksandarsvilokos@nsikar.com
Hoping to see You soon we are sending You big hello from the members of Scale modelers club Novosadski Ikar.
On line entry form
Models can be submitted until May 29, 2024 at 11:45 p.m - Concurs:
- Evenimentul are un concurs
- Taxe de intrare:
- 5 euro per person, for children free
- Data:
- 1. Iunie 2024
- Ore de deschidere:
- 8AM- 5PM
Competition program:
09 – 11 AM – registration of competitiors
11 AM – 5PM – model exhibition and evaluation
12 AM – ceremonial opening
5 PM – award ceremony
- Adresa:
- Zarka Vasiljevica 2a
21000 Novi Sad - Opțiuni de parcare:
- Za kolege maketare koji dolaze van Novog Sada i koji se prvi jave, biće obezbeđen parking prostor u dvorištu Arhiva Vojvodine (ima 20 parking mesta). U tom slučaju vas molimo da nam pošaljete model vozila i registarski broj. U slučaju da bude još slobodnih mesta, svaki sledeći automobil će biti upućen na parking Arhiva dok se ne popuni. Za ostale, mogućnost parkiranja u okolini. Parking se naplaćuje do 14h.
registarski broj automobila posaljite na sivcevz@gmail.com
For all the scale modelers colleagues who do not live in Novi Sad and are first to apply, we will provide parking in the backyard o the building of Archives of Vojvodina (20 parking places available). Please, send us the model of the vehicle and registration plates. If there should be more space available, every following car will be considered. For all the rest, parking is possible nearby. Parking fees are charged until 2 p.m.
send the car registration number to sivcevz@gmail.com
3 colegii intenționează să viziteze acest eveniment
În competiție
Mai multe informatii
Toate detaliile despre acest eveniment pot fi găsite pe 17th Novosadski Ikar pagina principala
Albume foto
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