Super Big Thunderbird 2
with Flexible Legs
Aoshima | No. 000946

- Marca:
- Aoshima
- Titlu:
- Super Big Thunderbird 2 with Flexible Legs
- Număr:
- 000946 (Sunt de asemenea listate ca 10)
- Scară:
- No
- Tip:
- Kit complet
- Eliberată:
- 2013 Piese noi
- Cod de bare:
- 4905083000946 (EAN)
- ambalare:
- Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
- Subiect:
- Thunderbird 2 » Alte (Operă științifico-fantastică)
Thunderbird 2
International Rescue
- 2 (Virgil Tracy)
Thunderbird 4
International Rescue
- 4 (Gordon Tracy)
Cronologie produs
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Descarca 3485Kb (.pdf)
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Magazine online

USD 67.00

CAD 74.95

¥ 3780

SKU-uri alternative pentru Aoshima 000946:
A000946 | AOS000946
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Nu știm despre niciun comentariu în cutie pentru acest lucru Thunderbird 2 (#000946) din Aoshima.

Having finally finished this kit I can breathe a sigh of relief as this kit fought me right till the end. While dry fitting most of this kit I discovered that there were some parts that required filling to smooth them out. The main body wasn't to bad, but do not get me started on the pod for this, not only did it require a lot of filler it wouldn't actually fit into Thunderbird 2 (maybe it wasn't supposed to) but after having it on display I can say that it is a kit I am proud to have completed to a high standard after getting back into the hobby.
25 August 2016, 19:46