Russian BRDM-2UM
Trumpeter | No. 05514 | 1:35

- Marca:
- Trumpeter
- Titlu:
- Russian BRDM-2UM
- Număr:
- 05514
- Scară:
- 1:35
- Tip:
- Kit complet
- Eliberată:
- 2012 Piese noi
- Cod de bare:
- 9580208055145 (EAN)
- ambalare:
- Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
- Subiect:
- BRDM-2 » Mașini blindate (vehicule)
Conținutul cutiei
340x220x60 mm
(13.4x8.7x2.4 inch)
408 g (0.9 lbs)
Boxart proiectat de Vincent Wai
Cronologie produs
Istorie completă »Instrucțiuni
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Descarca 11922Kb (.pdf)
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USD 33.85

USD 43.39

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USD 39.99

AUD 58.95

CHF 31.95

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SKU-uri alternative pentru Trumpeter 05514:
TR05514 | TRUM05514 | TR 05514 | TU05514 | TRU-05514 | TRU05514
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BRDM-2/3 Wheel set - sagged for Trumpeter Kit Def.Model 1:35
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Trumpeter really is lousy when it comes to their BRDM 2 kits. This version is missing all of the radios that this version should have inside. All Trumpeter did was provide the same lame basic interior of the other 2 kits. I really dislike when a company slacks off like this. If your going to produce multiple versions, include the damn parts specific to that version. Big thumbs down on this kit. Aside from that its about time that they also stopped being lazy with their instructions and give the modeler information on the decals included and lack of paint callouts for everything but the exterior. Hobby boss is guilty of this too. For the prices paid they need to do better.
15 March, 02:01
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