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Melbourne Model Expo 2013

IPMS Australia

Детали события

Melbourne Model Expo 2013
Springvale, Melbourne AU
Организационный Клуб:
IPMS Australia
Australia's Largest Competition with combined displays from clubs all over Australia. Retail outlets with lots of goods for sale!
У мероприятия есть конкурс
Входная плата:
Adult $10, Child U/17 $5, Concession $5


8-10 Июнь 2013
Часы работы:
*Competition Entry Only* Fri 7th 5pm-9pm, Sat 8th 9am-12pm
Public Entry Sat 8th 11am-5pm, Sun 9th 10am-5pm, Mon 10th 10am-5pm
Swap and Sell (Separate event) Entry $5 Mon 10th 10am-12pm

Место нахождения

Sandown Racecourse, Princes Highway, Springvale, Melbourne
3171 Springvale, Melbourne
Варианты парковки:
Plenty of Free Parking (Not a problem!), Train Stop at Sandown Racecourse

Melway Ref Map 80, Ref C 10

Vehicle entry is from Princes Highway

*Note Retail and Organisers Vehicles only to park under the covered car park area (behind the entry gates) As the gates will be LOCKED and NOT OPENED until the end of the day! just warning you!


1 друзья планирующие посетить это событие



В конкурсе

Больше информации

Все подробности об этом событии можно найти на Melbourne Model Expo 2013 Домашняя страница


Нет фотоальбомов, связанных с этим событием.

Показать отчеты

2 show reports related to Expo-IPMS AU Model Expo

QMHE 2022 Part One - Aircraft Models
QMHE 2022 Part One - Aircraft Models
построен на Hyperscale
Model Expo 2013 No
Model Expo 2013
by Kevin Futter on Large Scale Planes

Новостная лента

will attend
Melbourne Model Expo 2013 in Springvale, Melbourne
Melbourne Model Expo 2013
AU Springvale, Melbourne
8-10 Июнь 2013
22 April 2013, 22:51