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Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014

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Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014
Fairfax VA US
Fairfax High School, Food and Vendors, Raffle, Make n take, Demos and Guest Speakers. Contest Theme 1914 - 1918 "The War to end all Wars"
У мероприятия есть конкурс
Входная плата:
Contestants $10.00 dollars for unlimited models, General Admission $7.00 Juniors (17 & under free), Family $9.00


26. Апрель 2014
Часы работы:
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Место нахождения

3501 Rebel Run Fairfax High School
22030 Fairfax VA
Варианты парковки:


2 друзья планирующие посетить это событие



John Thomas king57
Jermaine Hoskin eightfooticeman

В конкурсе

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There are 1 photoalbums related to this event.

136 изображения
Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014View album, image #1
Entry to contest

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Jermaine Hoskin
will attend
Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014 in Fairfax VA
Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014
US Fairfax VA
26. Апрель 2014
3 March 2014, 20:44
Hunter Cummins
I wish I could go
have fun tommorrow
 26 April 2014, 00:41
Hunter Cummins
How was the show
 27 April 2014, 02:14
Jermaine Hoskin Автор
Hey Hunter the show was awesome! Check out the pics I posted .
 29 April 2014, 13:59
Hunter Cummins
did you meet john??
 29 April 2014, 19:16
John Thomas
will attend
Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014 in Fairfax VA
Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014
US Fairfax VA
26. Апрель 2014
Jermaine Hoskin
Its a real bummer! But the overtime I earn will definitely go towards some more kits in April.
 15 March 2014, 15:40
Phil Marchese
Say hello to the gang from me.
 15 March 2014, 16:09