KMK Scaleworld 2024
Зона продавца
Over 40 national and international traders are present selling a wide variety of kits, aftermarket sets, tools, paint and reference books.
The complete list will be published soon.
Клубная зона
Over 30 Scale Modeling Clubs from Belgium and abroad showcase their latest models
The complete list will be published soon.
Информация об экспоненте
Торговые стенды
- Регистрация:
- Closed (2024-05-30 22:16:35)
- Цена:
- € 15.00 за метр
12% discount when paid before May 15th, 2025 - Ограничения:
- Максимум 50m
- Другое:
- Tables and chairs can be requested upon registration.
Power sockets are available within 15 metres of your stand.
Клубные трибуны
- Доступность:
- Closed (2024-05-30 22:16:35)
- Цена:
- Бесплатно
- Ограничения:
- Максимум 6m
- Другое:
- Tables and chairs can be requested upon registration.
Power sockets are available within 15 metres of your stand.
Зарегистрируйте свой стенд »Расписание
- Строительство стенда:
- 05:00-08:00
- Открыто для публики:
- 08:00-15:00