Bonsai Leaf Pruners

- značka:
- nadpis:
- Bonsai Leaf Pruners
- mierka:
- No
- typ:
- náradie
- téma:
- Cutting » Konštruovanie (Nádoby)
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Nevieme o tom žiadne recenzie v tejto schránke Bonsai Leaf Pruners (#) z LVLEA.

Found this on AliExpress, thought it looked useful and got 6 for 0.99p in the sale, very hand for close cutting on sprue's and nipping off those niggly little bits that the knife is too big or the wrong shape. Price varies but usually got a 1 or 2 for a couple of quid post free if you search. Kept the wife quiet too as she got some pruners for her roses, great for cutting thorns off, she says
Všetky komentáre (12) » 21 July 2014, 15:07

go to Aliexpress instead of ebay, they bought from there probably anyway:-
21 July 2014, 21:20