Citroën C4 WRC
Rallye of Great Britain 2009 - Solberg P./ Mills
REJI Model | No. 200 | 1:24

- značka:
- REJI Model
- nadpis:
- Citroën C4 WRC Rallye of Great Britain 2009 - Solberg P./ Mills
- číslo:
- 200
- mierka:
- 1:24
- typ:
- Decalset
- téma:
- Citroën C4 » autá (dopravné)
Citroën C4
World Rally Championship (WRC)
- Lunde Marine Group 11 (Solberg/Mills)
2009 Rally of Great Britain (Result: 4)
Navrhnutý pre

Internetové obchody

€ 17.40

Alternatívne SKU pre REJI Model 200:
REJI-200 | REJI00200
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