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50 19 May 2022, 16:00

Inside fuselage painted interior green. Cockpit innards now together. 🙂
26 May 2022, 15:50

Cockpit plus front undercarriage now completed. 🙂
Welcome Patryk and Roland. 👍
Thanks for the likes Roland and Andrew B. 👍
31 May 2022, 13:22

Fuselage together with undercarriage. This was quite a difficult fit with lots of moving bits around and then taping together the fuselage and having to add some filler. 🙂
2 June 2022, 13:07

Nose is finally complete (except for propellor) On the initial part of the nose quite a bit of filling was required. Next will be attaching the tail and wings. 🙂
12 June 2022, 13:53

Final part of the nose fitted. Wings and tail plane attached. 🙂
Thank you for the likes Andrew B and Maciej 👍
18 June 2022, 13:37

Base camouflage coat added Hataka Extra Dark Sea Gray. 🙂
Thanks for your kind comment Patryk. 👍
Thanks for the like Mirko 👍
23 June 2022, 16:27

Vallejo Sky added to underneath of aircraft. 🙂
Thanks to Gareth, Alex R, PE Butler and Rui for the likes, much appreciated. 👍
3 July 2022, 10:31

Decals added to the aircraft, some have to go on the propellor and the wheels but apart from those they're all on. Next will be panel line wash before adding a satin varnish coat. 🙂
5 July 2022, 15:17

Panel wash, a start on weathering and then satin varnish applied. 🙂
Thanks to Gary K and Al Berto for the likes. 👍
9 July 2022, 16:20

The final bits and pieces including rigging, propellor, canopy etc. have been added.
I now declare this aircraft complete.
The aircraft denoted was flown by Lt (RN) Dennis Mayvore Jeram during Operation Torch aboard HMS Formidable as a part of 888 Sqn. The US markings were an attempt to avoid "friendly" fire from the newly deployed and then green US troops.
Dennis Jeram entered the Air Branch of the Royal Navy for a seven year engagement on 1st May 1939 and was rated as a Midshipman.
He did his elementary flying course at 14 EFTS Elmdon and moved on to No. 1 FTS Leuchars for No. 6 Course, which ran from 6th November 1939 to 21st April 1940.
Jeram was loaned to the RAF on 15th June 1940 and was at 7 OTU Hawarden from 17th June to 1st July, where he converted to Hurricanes before joining 213 Squadron at Exeter on 1st July.
He made his first flight with the squadron on the 2nd. He destroyed a Ju88 and probably another south of Portland Bill on 11th August, he destroyed Me110s on the 12th and 15th, destroyed a Do17 on 15th September and probably a Me110 on the 30th.
After the Battle of Britain Jeram returned to the FAA and in December 1941 he was posted to 888 Squadron. From February 1942 until the end of 1943 the squadron was in the carrier HMS Formidable.
During the operations in North Africa, Jeram shot down a Vichy French Bloch 175 on 6th November 1942. It was searching for an Allied convoy, which had been reported as it passed through the Straits of Gibraltar on its way to North Africa.
Three days later Jeram shared in destroying a Ju88 near Algiers. It had Italian markings and a German crew. He also took part in the invasion of Sicily and the Salerno landings. Jeram retired from the Royal Navy in 1954 as a Lieutenant-Commander.
He died on 24th March 1977 aged 59, the death being registered in Poole, Dorset.
Thanks Roland for the kind comment. 👍
Thanks Marius, Neil, Guillaume and Jeff F for the likes. 👍
21 July 2022, 14:07

Many thanks for your very kind comment Patryk. 👍
Thanks for the likes Mark K, Cuajete & Marcel K, it's greatly appreciated. 👍
22 July 2022, 09:38

Many thanks for the likes Edward M & Dave F, greatly appreciated. 👍
23 July 2022, 14:55

Great background story about the pilot and the plane !!
Things like this is a great addition to modeling, compared to the late eighties when i build my first models.
25 July 2022, 22:05

Thanks Bas Tonn for your kind comment. 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Vincent. 👍
9 June 2024, 15:12

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Franck G, Pietro DA, J35J, Matti T, Lukasz G & Bernd G. 👍
16 June 2024, 13:43

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Agnius, Petr K, Derek B & Dom S. 👍
30 June 2024, 16:45