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Vlákno začal s!mon

Simon Nagorsnik
pridal nový fotoalbum.
50 5 March 2023, 14:04
Pietro De Angelis
Very nice!
 5 May 2023, 18:33
Bruce Huxtable
Really enjoying your work, Simon. Another quality creation....
 5 May 2023, 18:43
Pietro De Angelis
Incredible finish,
looks real,
 5 May 2023, 18:47
James C
Very nicely done Simon 👍
 5 May 2023, 19:25
Neil Patrick
Beautiful work as always Simon. Even in 1/35, this must be tiny. I do like these Japanese camo schemes and yours is magnificent. I always struggle to understand what Manga characters have to do with historical scale models. Maybe if I was Japanese I'd get it!
 5 May 2023, 19:27
Michael Kohl
Nicely build.
 5 May 2023, 19:45
Simon Nagorsnik autor
Thanks so much for all your nice comments mates!
@Neil: why not?! A little imagination and ingenuity never hurt, did it? 😉😁
 6 May 2023, 19:38
Chan Li
That's Simon's shot, I'm no longer shocked again. But I'm waiting for the girl 😁.
 7 May 2023, 02:17
This beautiful model doesn´t need any living models to shine .............. 🙂
 7 May 2023, 07:50
Rui S
Another beautiful big one 👍
 7 May 2023, 11:34
Neil Patrick
@Simon. You're right. I just read up on the history of Manga and learned what a significant part of Japanese culture it is. 🙂
 8 May 2023, 07:53
So, in the first photo what are they saying/talking about? Is this related to or a spin off of Girls Und Panzers ?
 27 July 2023, 22:04
Simon Nagorsnik autor
Thanks mates 😁

@Robbie: No, this is not a Girls & Panzer theme, but yes, it's fictional.
Fine Molds has a small series of 1/35 models called historic costume girls.

About the diolaog:
The German girl asks herself - doesn ́t she feel heavy?
The japanese girl proudly says - real scale!!

To what extent it makes sense, I'm not quite sure yet 😅
But it was translated to me by a competent man.
The font at the top and bottom of the picture concerns the name of the kit and its appearance.
I liked the picture, so I took it as a teaser, it stands out 😁
 1 August 2023, 05:47
Simon Nagorsnik autor
Next part is finished!
Itsuka is painted!
 15 September 2023, 19:33
Bobby Thumbs
Awesome paintjob
 16 September 2023, 05:38
Simon Nagorsnik autor
Thanks a lot Bobby 😁
 16 September 2023, 05:40
What a beautiful project! Very nice highlights on figures and I love the vehicle paint job too.
 17 September 2023, 19:00
Superb work
 30 September 2023, 17:17
Simon Nagorsnik autor
Thanks my friends 😁
 1 October 2023, 07:52
Guy Rump
Excellent job! 👍
 6 October 2023, 22:36
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Lovely work Simon!
1  27 February, 14:15
Simon Nagorsnik autor
Thank you Robin! 😁
 28 February, 15:00

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