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Mr James
pridal nový fotoalbum.
80 24 May 2023, 20:02
Phil M
Great work! Nice subject!
 24 May 2023, 21:47
Mr James autor
Thanks Phil. I wish I knew about Alclad metal paint, levelling thinners and the like, before I started. Still learning and this website is a great place for it.
 24 May 2023, 22:01
This is an outstanding build - love the panel lines and realistic metallic sheen. Good job.
 25 May 2023, 15:57
Mr James autor
Thanks Al
Praise indeed coming from your good self.
 25 May 2023, 18:29
Guy Rump
Great job, congrats! 👍
 25 May 2023, 18:32
Mr James autor
Cheers Guy
 25 May 2023, 18:45
Nathan Dempsey
Inspiring build. I literally had to go rummage through the stash to find my kit to look at it.
 25 May 2023, 20:45
Mr James autor
Cheers Guy, Cheers Nathan. I'll use the proper paints and techniques on the next NMF aircraft. I think the X-11 I used is a bit grainy, unless it was how I sprayed it.
 25 May 2023, 21:01
Lovely work on an iconic British aircraft. Finish looks great to me! 👍👏
 26 May 2023, 23:26
Nathan Dempsey
X-11? I'm even more impressed. I used that on a Sea Fury and it came out looking a bit cartoon like compared to your finish.
 27 May 2023, 00:08
Mr James autor
Well thank you Neil and Nathan. Maybe I'm more critical after seeing the work you guys put out
 27 May 2023, 00:47
Shar Dipree
Gerat Electric Lightning. 👍
Impressive result considering the color (Tamiya X-11) used.
 27 May 2023, 21:45
Mr James autor
Thanks Shar. I tried to polish it as much as possible
 28 May 2023, 10:42
Rui S
Great paint Job & weathering 👍
 28 May 2023, 10:53
Mr James autor
Thankyou Rui
 28 May 2023, 10:55
Shar Dipree
Hi Mr. James. I love using tamiya paints but i can warmly recommend the metallic colors from the AK Xtreme Metal-Series. They are great for airbrushing and the metallic effect is extremely good, in my opinion.
-> SCM Search: ak Xtreme Metal
For exampel: P-47M Thunderbolt | Album by Shar (1:72)
 28 May 2023, 11:12
Eric Thornton
That's a nice build, love the marking on this one. 👍👏 I second what Shar says. AK Xtreme metal paints are super easy to use straight out of the bottle. Just make sure you have a nice coat of primer as a base. Alclads are also nice just a bit more delicate.
 28 May 2023, 11:27
Mr James autor
Thanks Shar. You're right, the P47 looks fantastic. I like the way Tamiya paints spray; brushing not so much. 🙂 As I said, I wish I new about these paint options before.
 28 May 2023, 11:53
Mr James autor
Thankyou Eric. I wish I'd come to this site earlier. The advice from more experienced builders shortens the learning process.
 28 May 2023, 11:59
Shar Dipree
With what you have achieved with the x-11 on the Lightning, you don't need to worry. The result is great. No idea how you did it.
 28 May 2023, 12:04
Mr James autor
You're too kind Shar. I have bad memories of rubbing, touching up and more rubbing. You can see the grainy effect more underneath. But thanks to your recommendation, never again. 🙂
 28 May 2023, 12:32
Bernd Grün
Great looking Lightning! Congrats, mate. 👌
 29 May 2023, 17:25
Mr James autor
Thank you for that Bernd
 29 May 2023, 17:54
Mr James autor
Well thank you Markus
 19 January 2024, 10:48
Mark Sherwood
Well executed. In some aspects it looks like 1/1 🤟🥸🤘
 19 January 2024, 11:04
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work; looks like it was a challenge.
 23 January 2024, 12:41
Mr James autor
Ha, thanks Mark. Trick photography 😉.
The build was easy enough Jennifer, the metal finish was indeed challenging🙄 I'll know better next time 😉
 25 January 2024, 19:50
Great work with the metal finish!👍🏻
 23 February 2024, 19:04
Michael Kohl
Really like how this turned out.
 23 February 2024, 21:20
Mr James autor
Thanks J35J and Michael. I'm surprised of the lovely comments on the metal finish. Maybe I'm too critical of how I think its turned out 🙂
 25 February 2024, 02:51
Nathan Dempsey
You definitely are too critical of yourself, but I guess we all are with our own builds 🤣. Seriously though that is the best metal finish I've seen using Tamiya X-11.
 25 February 2024, 03:43
Photos 6 and 7 especially look like a real aircraft!
 25 February 2024, 04:54
Yes, Rando. And I like the finish and weathering.
 25 February 2024, 10:28
Mr James autor
I agree Nathan, we're all probably a bit too critical of our own builds 🙂. It might be the hours we pour over every detail and finish, and are still not happy... 😉 And thanks again for your comments.
 25 February 2024, 18:59
Mr James autor
Ha.. Thanks Rando. I got lucky with the light 🙂
 25 February 2024, 19:13
Mr James autor
Thanks Neuling. Much appreciated comments from your good self 🙂
 25 February 2024, 19:15
What a beautiful result, thanks for sharing !
 30 March 2024, 07:09
Mr James autor
Thanks Dom. Glad you like it 🙂
 31 March 2024, 19:35
George Williams
I don't usually comment on military models but this is just too good to miss, a lovely Lightning.
 2 April 2024, 13:11
Mr James autor
Hi praise indeed George. Thanks so much for your comment.
 2 April 2024, 16:10
Tommy Agne
Top work 👍👍👍.
 16 May 2024, 11:09
Mr James autor
Thanks Tommy, much apricated from your good self 🙂
 16 May 2024, 11:51
Agree with everyone - the build and weathering is fantastic!
 29 June 2024, 20:07
Mr James autor
Thanks for your kind comments CaptGPF.
 30 June 2024, 22:00
Agree with everyone, Mr James. Top notch Electric ⚡️!!! Love the metal finish and some panel variations. I've always wanted to build this aircraft, never lucky enough to find the kit for a reasonable price. Maybe Airfix will some day re-issue it.
 26 September 2024, 04:49
Mr James autor
Thanks Henry. I paid 26 quid for off Amazon in 2020. I see its not listed anymore and some are going for 125 quid... :-0 What a shame.
 26 September 2024, 11:44
Stephen Lesley
Ooh Aah Eee! A Lightning. One of my three favourite British jets, along with the Canberra and Buccaneer. My favourite quote from an RAF pilot about the Lightning-"I was in complete and absolute control of the machine right up to the point when I released the brakes"...
1  25 October 2024, 03:32
Mr James autor
I agree with your fav list Stephen, along with the V bombers. Excellent pilot quote btw 🙂
1  25 October 2024, 10:23
Stephen Lesley
My favourite is the Handley Page Victor. Something about it looks so mean and attractive at the same time.
 25 February, 23:01
Mr James autor
I'm with you on that Stephen. The best looking jet of all time in my opinion. And to think it lasted until the 90's is incredible. Looks like it stared in Thunderbirds 🙂
1  25 February, 23:08
Stephen Lesley
That's exactly what it looks like, straight out of the thunderbirds!
 26 February, 05:02

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