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Vlákno začal Jaykay

pridal nový fotoalbum.
24 snímky
ParasView album, image #18
Lived with for a couple of weeks now and still happy with it. Calling this complete
1:72 AS.51 Horsa Mk.I with British Paratroops (Italeri 1356)1:72 Willys British Airborne Jeep (Airfix A02339)
21 16 September 2023, 20:09
J K autor
Will get back to this at some point.
 18 March 2024, 17:52
J K autor
Now completed. Wanted to get it done before 80th anniversary of D-Day. Hope it looks OK.
 20 May 2024, 18:16
Lovely Dio! And just in time for the D-day anniversary!
 3 June 2024, 15:54
Nice dio.
 3 June 2024, 16:22
J K autor
Thank you for your comments.
 3 June 2024, 20:33

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