Vlákno začal DesertMarlin

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91 19 December 2023, 01:23

A trick to try help smoothen out the stepped resin parts, is to mix a drop of water into a bit of Vallejo putty to liquify the putty. This creates a more friendly filling mass that can be help fill the tiny cavities. Best to not thin the putty too much or the filling power goes away.
19 December 2023, 09:57

I ordered it and it showed up! The guys at Air Graphic sent one!
20 December 2023, 16:38

Okay, the issue is that the Air Graphic bay is about 3/4 cm short. At least according to the bay doors molded into the fuselage. Looks like my options are to request a stretched bay, modify the bay, or cut the fuselage doors short and blend the remainder...
Thoughts anyone?
20 December 2023, 18:33

I suspect the 1:72 scale Mk 54 Torpedo is not going to fit...
20 December 2023, 18:59

asking for a correct set seems a good idea, if they say no, or say that their set is correct and your model not.... then maybe sand the doors and scribe new of the size of the piece you want to fit? (I hate rescribing....)
20 December 2023, 19:50

I'm leaning toward that solution. I need to obtain the torpedoes (5 ea) and they need to fit in length. I am building the kit wheels up, bay open with weapons deployment in progress.
20 December 2023, 19:58

Tough choice between moving off of the aft panel lines or moving off of the wing fillet on the forward end of the bay. I guess this is what I need to do. The only hope is that the Mk. 44 or Mk. 54 Torpedoes will fit appropriately.
21 December 2023, 01:37

I would like Air Graphic to sell the STL files for self-printing the parts. I bought the MW 1 for the Tornado and was not happy with the printing quality, seemed like there were printign issues. Would be interesting to know if they send you a replacement part in the correct size.
Also watching your build of this big bird with interest, keep the pictures coming! 👍 🙂
21 December 2023, 09:02

I do not get the feeling they will change the dimensions...
21 December 2023, 18:57

Did a lot of cutting, grinding, sanding, buffing today...
24 December 2023, 05:36

Cockpit is pretty much done. Would like to find some figures to put in the seats...
30 December 2023, 04:07

Lots of lovely detail going into this and very well documented too... Great work 🙂
31 December 2023, 04:17

Welp… I now have to switch my focus to the bomb bay… there is a ton of work to accomplish there. First, I have to figure out where each of the broken door control arms go so that the doors attach correctly. Let the real fun begin!
31 December 2023, 17:52

I chose to join the fuselage halves before installing the cockpit so that all the sanding and shaping can be completed. The interior of the fuselage windows can be cleaned until the bomb bay and wings are attached.
31 December 2023, 17:57

It appears I will need to shorten the length of the fuselage in order to have the bomb bay work within the panel lines of the actual aircraft. The alignment of the aft end of the bomb bay is very close to the square panel on the bottom of the fuselage and the front of the bomb bay is essentially butted up against the wing filets. Miserable conditions...
1 January 2024, 23:32

Sadly, the BPK kit fuselage is 21.85" long which is spot on with the dimensions given by NavAir...
2 January 2024, 00:22

Depends. If Air Graphic is correct, then the details and sonobouy ports are 10 mm too far back. If BPK is correct, then the Air Graphic bay is 10 mm too short. The Mk 54 torpedo will fit in the bay but I am not sure the residual length is correct. There probably needs to be a compromise between the two. Since I've already joined fwd and aft fuselage halves, shortening the aft fuselage is not a very good option but could be done… ahhh, new product growing pains…
2 January 2024, 16:41

Well, it's time to modify the bomb bay. I am using an extended length of 6.25 mm to compromise between the BPK panel lines and the door lengths. Also, the armatures inside the bomb bay will probably belie the modification. This adaption will require the use of the doors cut from the BPK kit since the 3D printed doors are kinda mated to the original door armatures. I will probably sand everything down to meet the needs of the doors since that is going to be the most visible portion of the modifications. Sad that Air-Graphic will not re-print with an adjusted (scaled) length. 5 mm is the least I could add. 8 mm is the full difference from the BPK dimensions. This is the price (and joy) of doing one of these...
5 January 2024, 23:47

Hello Marlin.
The discrepancy in length is annoying.
Wikipedia gives a length of 2.715m (german Wiki) / 2,72m (engl. Wiki) for the MK54. That would be 3.77cm in 1:72.
Maybe there are pictures somewhere where you can estimate how much space the torpedo has in the bay at the front and back.
Or maybe you can even find size information for the P-8 bay?
5 January 2024, 23:59

I did that very calculation. Came up with the same. I have accepted that the hard points are going to be about 5% to 10% forward of a neutral position. The centering of the Mk 54 torpedos with the HAAWC modification can be fudged to make the whole thing look a little more accurate. it's probably a nudge on the residual space anyway. I have to further modify the bay to build up the structure and the sides of the bay for the additional length. It's going pretty well so I guess I can't complain...
6 January 2024, 00:46

The modification to the bay is almost complete. Once the orientation of the bay in the fuselage is set, I can start cutting the doors open. Then I get to figure out what to do with the doors that are now too short...
6 January 2024, 08:13

Here's hoping ResKit will be successful in sending me their Mk 54 torpedoes. Kinda need those! But, I think there is a war going on… pray for those guys!
8 January 2024, 03:03

Re. photo #16, I tried to drill into 3d printed resin, but it only went well when the drill bit was small, as the drill bit got larger, the drill bit started to chip the resin in places. I used a hand drill, I could have used an electrical one and presumably it might perhaps had not chipped for me, or who knows. I prefer hand drilling, as it sort of gives me more control.
10 January 2024, 07:44

@Treehugger, absolutely true. It was an extremely slow and manual process. The actuator rod on the inside was used to support the resin as I drilled through. The back wall is actually cracked in about five places just from handling. Mostly applied medium and thin CA to fill cracks and strengthen the wall. Adding primer and paint will add some strength as well. No power tools were used. Chipping is filled with medium CA. Hope it all looks okay!
10 January 2024, 17:19

@Spanjaard, I am definitely satisfied at this point. Thanks!
10 January 2024, 17:20

Looks like the fuselage around the bomb bay opening needs to be thinned to about 1/4 mm (1/64 in) to allow for the bay door armatures to reach the actuator shaft on the side of the bay... the fun never ends!
11 January 2024, 03:23

These Torpedoes are really small. Or my eyes are getting really old...
15 January 2024, 01:56

Wish I had seen this sooner; love all the documentation following 👀
23 January 2024, 05:33

Just finished six torps… now to fabricate the HAAWC backbones!
25 February 2024, 19:38

So, the doors at a bit of work. I need to extend the forward and trailing edges about 1.5mm on each end to make up for the additional length of the bay. The doors look pretty good as is. Just need to make it a bit more accurate.
25 February 2024, 20:43

great! I was fearing you were going to make mayor modifications there
25 February 2024, 20:45

The 3-D printed doors just have too much detail that is somewhat compressed so the goal is to give them the appearance of appropriate size…
25 February 2024, 21:17

The bay doors are now corrected for length. Not a bad option. The control arms on the doors are not going to reach the control rod in the bay correctly. I needed to thin the fuselage skin much further than I did. However, the torpedoes in the bay will probably hide most of this sin...
6 March 2024, 09:27

The HAAWCs are almost done. I have to add the remaining straps to the stowed weapons. Still waiting on an aqueous paint FS36495 to mix with the FS36622 to make my "Boeing Gray".
12 March 2024, 06:02

Got the main coat on, mounted the bay doors, started some weathering. Trying to decide which VP to use.
24 March 2024, 04:49

The Tigers are cool. I like the look of VP-9 and especially VP-10 with the "Big Dipper" logo. Wish it was easier to find a higher resolution image of the instructions (I assume this is the Furball sheet)
25 March 2024, 22:36

I'm guessing the aircraft that made the pipeline run didn't have a very elaborate tail marking...
25 March 2024, 23:59

I could be wrong, but I think the VX-1 squadron is a Test & Eval squadron...
26 March 2024, 00:07

Ahh I see what you're trying to make. Love that paint job and the look of the torpedo bay 👍
26 March 2024, 01:01

I agree with Rando 👌
Desert Marlin, I like the VP-9, VP-16, VP-30 and VP-46, but the one who is going to observe the model daily is you 😉
26 March 2024, 19:11

I suspect more than myself will see it. But I like VP-42 the best. Mostly because that's the squadron my uncle was in and piloted the SP-5A(B) Marlins. Perhaps that bears some relationship to my online name...
26 March 2024, 20:49

Sadly, I do not believe VP-42 flys the P-8. Or if it is even active today.
26 March 2024, 20:54

Adding gloss coat today. Looks like it will get a couple of days to dry and cure before the markings arrive.
28 March 2024, 17:21

Glosscoat looking good so far! As soon as the Furball gets here, I can start applying the markings!!!
29 March 2024, 00:27

Thanks Michael and Cuajete! I need a little more glossy finish before markings!
29 March 2024, 21:07

Because I only set 1:48, I don't get to see the 1:72 builds...wow, this is a beauty, nice build so far.
30 March 2024, 19:17

great job! Followed this build for quite some time and love how it is developping 👍
30 March 2024, 19:22

It is taking much longer than I anticipated! I think the torpedoes and the bomb bay are way more work than planned. Now a stand is needed and I'm not sure how that is going to work yet…
30 March 2024, 21:20

VP-16 looks like a great choice 👍 I got 1/48 Moose Republic Draken and 1/72 DXM F-4 decals coming now
4 April 2024, 04:03

I got the base finished for cradling it at shows! Pictures after markings are on!
4 April 2024, 18:15

Big and good don't go together often. Here they do. Fine modelling we see here.
11 April 2024, 08:19

Thank you all!
@Michael Kohl - Yes, annoyingly big. Don't know how many times I thought it would break hitting the work lamps...
@Rando - the base was its own project. Thanks!
@David Taylor - The Aussie and Brit decals are in the box.
Thanks again everyone! It took about three times longer than I originally expected!
11 April 2024, 16:25

The entryway hatch decals need to be cut in quarters before being applied to the doors. Their shape is a bit too exaggerated for the actual shape of the doors. The overwing hatch door decals are perfect. The observation window decals were also perfect and did not interfere with the window masks!
11 April 2024, 16:38

The pilots sit too high in the cockpit. More work to lower the seats would help.
11 April 2024, 16:39