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The forward main landing gear doors and compartment are missing! Some kit of the year!
4 12 February 2024, 17:32

One of the kit reviewers on Scalemates was asking whether it might be the kit of the year in 2023. The reviewer obviously didn't do his research. Neither did the individual doing a progressive build of the kit at Brit Modeller. It's too bad that the one glaring fault ruins an otherwise very nice kit. And this after Hobbyboss brought out their A-4s with slats fixed in the closed position. Maybe Airfix or Revell will take up the torch with another new A-6.
13 February 2024, 02:38

I was looking into 1/72 scale A-6s and read some pretty disappointing things overall about this one. Missing parts and cockpit is not very detailed, among other things. Considering how pricey this is for a 1/72 kit, maybe I'll just find a cheaper Italeri or Fujimi A-6 instead.
15 March 2024, 16:30

The main problem of this model is absence of the main gear bay. It is not just simplified, there is no it at all. And they made so that it is impossible to correct. Front part they did not even marked by panel lines.
1 April 2024, 06:33

I don't understand much of this. Seems like, according to the build guide anyway, there's a front gear bay with some detail inside it, and also a single front gear bay door, part F4. Presumably the online build guide reflects the content of the kit box.
I remember one time, many years ago, I had a 1:48 kit iirc, of an AH-1 heli, that has melted parts on the sprue. I complained about missing parts, and they told me there are machines checking for missing parts, but she did give me a new kit for the melted parts (I didn't melt the parts, they were like that out of the box). I guess I might have misplaced one or two parts from that kit, unsure.
What pisses me off are new mold kits with either bad details, or inaccuracies. Like Kitty Hawk's UH-1D Huey, and Das Werk/Takom's new flak bus, with that damn molded-on wiper, onto a single whole (!) piece clear part. I have better things to do with my life, than struggling with fixing unnecessary flaws in a kit that shouldn't be there.
Having said that, I've learned in my life to not trust brand names, and so I only trust reviews (heh, I don't trust single reviews though). For electronics that won't work, as manufacturer might use unusual third party components from additional suppliers, if their regular stock of items runs out, with resulting flaws, like what happened in one case, super annoying. I can't resolder this tiny TINY component, even if I did buy a new component part.
Sometimes, as seen today, details that look wrong, turns out to be correct, like the weird spinner on a 1:48 Italeri Hurricane, which checks out with photos. Apparently Hurricane spinners can look a little different.
1 April 2024, 08:00

I am talking about main gear bay. Front is exellent.
Youtube Video
in this moment you can see it.
and how it should looks like
1 April 2024, 08:28

yes, but they made a flat wall between front and rear section, so it is impossible to modify to make it looks more or less real, only cut and make a absolutely new bay
1 April 2024, 11:11