Vlákno začal Ostarrichi

pridal nový fotoalbum.
24 24 February 2024, 08:40

Here are the first pictures of the Cobra from the Flying Bulls: Unfortunately, the canopy didn't fit perfectly and had to be filled. I replaced the barrels of the 20mm gun with ones from Master, which look much better.
24 February 2024, 08:48

You know that there a smoke catridges and decals (smoke) available for this model...?
25 February 2024, 09:37

Hallo Jürgen, nein, das habe ich nicht gewusst. Wo könnte ich die Rauchgeneratoren und die Decals dafür bekommen? Auf Scalemates habe ich nichts gefunden.
27 February 2024, 17:23

The Flying Bulls Cobra is now finished. By the way, the smokewinders are not included in the kit. They were kindly provided to me by the company Brent-Air-Decals along with the decals and they significantly enhance the model (many thanks Jürgen!).
14 June 2024, 21:41

To my pleasure Stefan - it is looking great! 👍
Well done model !
15 June 2024, 06:07