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52 27 March 2024, 13:52

Started the little Trumpeter Fennek yesterday, seems to be a nice kit and fun to build. Managed to bring on the first base color today, now ready for some detail painting.
Except the seatbelts everything is oob so far. The windscreen was cut in three pieces because the connections in the corners were clearly visible from the outside what gave them a toy look.
27 March 2024, 13:58

Started painting the Fennek today, first was an overall layer of black (x-18+xf-1).
8 May 2024, 18:50

Finished the main painting and did a little test fit with the wheels to see how the Fennek will come out at the end.
9 May 2024, 16:08

Some minor progress, lights and other details are painted, headlights are filled with Micro Kristal Klear, dark grey washing and flat varnish was done and also some dry brushing.
31 May 2024, 12:02

I like the Fennek.
I think there is room to improvement on the trees. The technique you started with allows you to thin down the foilage considerably, which - I am convinced - will look much more realistic that the opaque dense foilage they have so far.
4 June 2024, 16:45

Thx guxs👍
I see your point. There is definitely room to improve but these trees are my second try in this scale and i'm nearly satisfied with the result. Hopefully the next one will be another bit better .
5 June 2024, 21:17

I added a sheep and a pigeon from "Nikolai Exclusive Modeling" and three soldiers from "Germania Figuren" to the scene and call this project done.
10 June 2024, 18:07

Thanks Harry and Patrick.
@Harry, I'm looking forward to your Fennek.😉
11 June 2024, 17:36