Vlákno začal JohnR

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59 snímky
A-20G, New Guinea 
AMT/Italeri build always good for teeth grinding, elevated blood pressure and fit issues, but at least the decals were p...
projekt: AMT/Italeri A-20G
48 4 April 2024, 16:36

Thanks Andreas, welcome to the show (hopefully more a comedy than a horror show).
24 June 2024, 19:02

Thanks Doubtingmango. 👍 I guess "low effort" is relative, lol. I really am trying to not have things on the "shelf of doom" and complete a kit before I start another, but the point at which I say "good enuf" and move on is a moving target some days...
29 July 2024, 23:12

I get it John. I still remember the first time I forced myself to use EVERY piece of photo etch from an Eduard detail kit. I now look at the detail kits as "suggested" modifications…
30 July 2024, 11:27

Thanks gents! Turned out to be a fair amount to wrestle with but pleased with the end result. Mark, I imagine the 1/32 version from HK fits better, if a lot more spendy. To be fair, this AMT isn't "bad" overall, just could use some more details I couldn't be bothered to add and some fit issues that weren't terrible, just tiresome to fix.
4 September 2024, 16:35

I don't know John, a 32 A20 may be a scale to far. I can barely fit in the box room now. 😅👍
18 September 2024, 18:14