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25 23 April 2024, 08:03

Thanks, Neuling. This is so far the most complex and work intensive paintjob and weathering I've done. If you want to see the real jet, this is the link: fighter-wings.com/ai..de-vasylkiv-airbase/
Best regards !!
23 April 2024, 08:44

Agree with Neuling - absolutely beautiful build! The weathering makes it so photo realistic
12 September 2024, 14:36

i can not see the images in the link you sent 🙁 the site suggest me to change country to see it 😛
12 September 2024, 14:40

Hey Spanjaard, thank you very much. I have the same problem with the link. Try this one instead: airfighters.com/phot..G-29C-9-13/35-WHITE/
12 September 2024, 15:16