Vlákno začal Jim C

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42 snímky
Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.A
Panzer I Ausf. A
8./Pz.Rgt. 5, 5 Leichte Div. (Afrika Korps)
Operation "Sunflower" - July 1941
projekt: Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.A
35 22 July 2024, 23:59

Thanks Gorby 🙂
It's a nice kit and being 1/16 scale is larger than a 1/35 scale King Tiger. Plenty of plastic for your $$$
28 July 2024, 19:44

I think Britain is too small to build 1/16 kits. 😄
(My budget certainly is). 😄
29 July 2024, 06:05

Thanks mate 🙂
Have since added a little paint chipping (back to the grey base coat), and applied the decals etc which are going to take a few applications of Micro Sol to settle down over the turret details. Will update the album when there is a little more to see.
31 July 2024, 00:54

Thanks Gary 🙂
Cooler weather temps have slowed progress this last week but paintwork has been sealed and the decals are done now.
Ready to make a proper start on the weathering and dirtying it up a bit ahead of final assembly.
4 August 2024, 21:13

Thanks Gorby & Gary 🙂
Am hoping to knock it off in the next day or so.
7 August 2024, 18:37

A "light tank" of the German Afrika Corps WWII. Something that our Kiwi troops (NZ Division) would "butt heads" with frequently during the early years of the war. But, given it's light armour and lack of a main shell firing gun... quickly became obsolete when the Allies (including NZ) pulled their finger out and put bigger and better tanks on the field. I have a ton of respect for these German crewmen.
10 August 2024, 03:24

Excellent paintwork and weathering. You´ve done the big scale justice in every way!
10 August 2024, 09:42