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Vlákno začal Gojira

John Hughes
Here's a question for you, mates.

What styrene kit would you like to see on the market that has never been done before and what scale?

Here's a shortlist of my thoughts:

1 - 1:350 Gneisenau (Trumpeter announced one a few years back, but it's never materialised)

2 - 1:35 Alvis Stalwart (one of the most iconic post-war British Army vehicles. Amazed it's never been done)

3 - 1:24 Oldsmobile Delta 88 (Ash's car from the Evil Dead franchise)

What's on your would-like-to-see list?
23 August 2024, 14:24
Mike Montgomery
I'd love to see some general aviation aircraft in 1/32 scale.
 23 August 2024, 15:43
Donald Dickson II
Its been done, but not in 1/48...C-141B. Also a good CH-3 in 1/48.

As for never been done at all, I cant think of any.
 23 August 2024, 15:50
Erik Off
I have a resin-stalwart on the workbench. A horror kit. It really is time for a modern kit.

I wish a Puma-Helicopter in 48. 😉
 23 August 2024, 15:58
Martin Oostrom
In 1:24: Volvo 88
 23 August 2024, 16:04
Ford RS200 Evo 1:24
Peugeot 205 GTI (Dimma) 1:24
Land Rover C90
 24 August 2024, 08:55
George Williams
Give me a sheet of A4 and I'll draw up a short list.
 24 August 2024, 11:49
USS Forrestal 1:350
 24 August 2024, 14:03
Rolf Rolf
Bob semple tank 1:35 nuff said😂
 24 August 2024, 14:36
The marine drop-ship from aliens in 1:48!
 24 August 2024, 14:42
Ben M
Here's a 3d printable 1/35 bob semple tank
 24 August 2024, 15:45
Urban Gardini
Yes Rolf, it's a wonder that we've only got one as a resin kit many years ago...
 24 August 2024, 15:51
Urban Gardini
How about an 1957 DeSoto Fireflite in 1:24/25
 24 August 2024, 16:13
Donald Dickson II
Rolf, yes! I have the resin one in my stash. Would love a proper injection kit in 48.
 24 August 2024, 21:20
John Hughes autor
1:35 Mk I Churchill (come on AFV Club, you've done just about every other version!)
 25 August 2024, 10:03

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