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20 23 September 2024, 23:00

Thank you for teasing me for the "Now I want it much more in my shelf" 😄 Perfect finish. Super clean. Is that metallic paint?
24 September 2024, 05:39

@GEorge Williams, thanks, I know it can take a lot to leave a message when the subject matter is not preferental so it means a lot that you feel this is good enough to leave a comment.
@Christian W, the paint is just X-8 Yellow Tamiya Acrylic with X-22 Tamiya Clear Acrylic and then sanded and polished. it is a great kit and super easy to build. Not a lot of parts.
@Newling, thanks very much! Appreciated.
27 September 2024, 00:56

Thank's for clarification. On the one or another picture it looks like that there could be a little touch of metallic in the paint.
27 September 2024, 06:23