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Vlákno začal Ben M

Ben M
pridal nový fotoalbum.
39 29 September 2024, 22:35
I'm taking a seat for this one. Looks fun.
 1 October 2024, 23:27
Ben M autor
The dry transfers (not decals) from 1976, what are the odds they work?
 1 October 2024, 23:40
Youtube Video
1  2 October 2024, 00:03
Ben M autor
Thanks, that's cool. I build lots of old Hawk, pyro etc stuff too
 2 October 2024, 01:34
Robert Podkoński
Watching with interest!
 6 October 2024, 07:06
Kesa Tiho
Makes my space loving brain tingle, following!
 10 October 2024, 21:19
Mr D
You could get some decal paper and get a local print shop to do a high quality photo copy of your decals on to it.
Nice interesting model build.... looks forward to seeing it take shape 👍👍
 10 October 2024, 21:52
Interesting. I'll follow.
 11 October 2024, 04:39
Troy Campbell
Cool looking kit
 13 October 2024, 03:25
Ben M autor
I'm not pleased by the little square feet on this one. I need to come up with some nice round dish-shaped pads like the Apollo lunar module has.
 20 October 2024, 14:14
Thomas Espe
 27 October 2024, 12:54
Ben M autor
I printed some lunar lander feet and a bit of moon surface for a diorama. It'd been a year since I used my resin printer so it took some work to get it dialed in
 26 January, 17:10
are you sure those are not normal water slide decals? I say so because they seem to have a carrier film, and when I check the produc page of the kit, it say that it contains water slide decals.... they certainly look quite yellowed (no wonder with their age) but that sometimes can be resolved placing then in a window to get the sun to white them a bit.
 30 January, 14:22
Ben M autor
Hi Spanjaard, I'll upload pics of the instructions on the back later.
 30 January, 15:13
Looks an interesting subject. 🙂
 30 January, 15:41
Ben M autor
Thanks... I've been 3d printing some stuff for it, will have more pics soon. I've gotten sidetracked as I tend to do. I think you call it "faffing"
1  30 January, 16:27
Troy Campbell
Looking good ben
Unique subject
 30 January, 17:29
Mr D
The decal instructions remind me of those fake tattoos you got as a kid in the candy/sweets packs n some bubble gums.
very rarely did the paper pull away without taking a bit of the picture with it.
Could be similar stuff...???
 30 January, 19:04
Ben M autor
Not sure. i scanned them, and I learned how to make decals the other day for my Orion spaceplane which unaccountably HAD NO PAN AM DECALS WTF. 🙂 so I can make waterslides if I want

On this kit I decided the lander needed proper feet, so I had to get my old resin printer which I hadn't used in a year working again and then I printed feet, but then I figured it needed a moon surface so I found one and printed it but it was too small so then I decided to use it with an old build spaceship build I did a few years ago of a smaller spaceship, so now I'm going down that rabbit hole but as long as I had the printer working I decided to make tracks for another build of mine where a tank was missing the rubber band tracks so I worked on that, but hey, there was some empty space on the build plate so I decided to also print some parts for a KNIL armored car from the Netherlands East Indies... and parts for a Schnieder WWI French tank.

I have been spending a fair amount of modeling, but not very much time finishing things.

Oh and I printed a larger moon base yesterday and it's out in the sun hardening.
2  30 January, 20:20
definitively dry transfers, no doubt 🙂 no idea if putting them in the window will clear the yellow or finish ruining them.... and since they are quite simple (some would be better to just use masking), making new ones seems a really good idea.
 30 January, 20:23
Ben M autor
Yeah or I might just use spares from my decal box, or I could use my cricut to cut masks for things and paint them on or... who knows what trouble I will get into. This is why I never finish anything.
 30 January, 20:25
i have a silhouette (quite similar to cricut) and i can tell you that you can make veeeery nice maks, with no trouble at all. the checkered decal may be a bit of a pain in any way you do it, but the rest should be a piece of cake. i can recommend inkscape, works like a charm 🙂
 30 January, 20:27
for the US flags, the spares box will probably be an easier option, of course.
 30 January, 20:28
by the way, is it possible to scan the original decals, conver the design to vectors, clean it up and make your own decals/mask with inkscape. the same design can be basically used for both
 30 January, 20:29
Ben M autor
What I've done is scan at a high resolution, clean it up in the gimp, and send it as PNG to the cricut software on my iphone. A PNG with transparent/non-transparent parts imports nicely. At a high enough resolution it doesn't matter that it's not vectors. But I can try inkscape, it sounds fun.
 30 January, 20:31
in inkscape you can use the option to trace a bimap. it may take a couple of tries until you get it right, but then it is a vector ready to use for both decal or mask
 30 January, 20:33
Ben M autor
I updated the kit description. An ambitious person would upload pics of the decal sheet and the instructions as well. Too late for box contents. Perhaps I will be that ambitious person this evening, but perhaps not.
2  30 January, 20:50
Ben M autor
Amazon women on the moon? A little green man greeting the space-suited travelers? Red stars and a Soviet flag, some kind of alternative history? Giant 1950's radioactive insects? Any ideas welcome.

I did scan/upload the decals and kit instructions. Someday I'll get a second star.
1  31 January, 20:18
Lorraine Lin
The moon surface looks great!
 1 February, 00:05
Ben M autor
My daughter made a giant alien moon slug out of milliput

I think I will do the moon ship in Guinea Bissau markings

2  1 February, 01:54
You could make it a Mars Ship. The red sand might be more interesting than the moon surface. 😉
I like the slug. ❤️️
 1 February, 10:35
Ben M autor
I've done a red planet diorama before (lost in trek wars) but decided this time it's the moon. Had a little bit of splatter on the lightest grey because it's a bad airbrush day but overall I'm happy with it.
 1 February, 23:50
in bad airbrush day you have to accpet what it has been given. Honestly I do not see the splatters. looks v. good
 2 February, 00:40
Nathan Dempsey
Excellent work on that Lindberg kit and oh that landing surface!
 2 February, 00:51
I agree with Nathan!
 8 February, 10:06
Oh very nice! I love the happy moon slug, It looks like it should be leaving a trail of green slime. 😄
 8 February, 10:14
Ben M autor
I love build nights at the hobby shop!
 8 February, 13:57
Robert Podkoński
Cool! And the surface of the Moon looks great too.
 8 February, 14:05
Ben M autor
Yeah that moon surface will be the best part of this project.
1  8 February, 14:07
Mr D
"Huston we have a problem" .... slimmer from Ghostbusters at our 6-oclock "
Looking 👍👍 great..... We won't be seeing to many of these.
 8 February, 20:27
I do like those red dots.
 8 February, 20:30
Ben M autor
Thanks! They're maybe a bit redder than they look in the most recent photo, white balance issues I guess. All the old Lindberg spaceships seemed to have red trim. I have a couple more in my stash.
 8 February, 20:46
congratulation I agree with everyone very good base and built, original and funny! thanks for sharing
 9 February, 13:40
Did you build that up at a modelling club? It looks like a few people are having fun there.
 9 February, 14:01
Ben M autor
Yes I did!
 9 February, 14:55
Henry Sanchez
Looks like a cool project.
 14 February, 05:43
Ben M autor
1  27 February, 18:40
Ben M autor
My daughter contributed to this project; she made the moon slug out of milliput and fishing line.
2  27 February, 18:53
Troy Campbell
Looks amazing
 27 February, 19:46
Hans Johansson
very cool
 27 February, 20:50
Daniel H
Moon Slug is on point.
 27 February, 21:00
Very nice result!
I can't tell if Moon Slug wants a hug or is complaining about the noise. 🙂
1  28 February, 06:43
Robert Podkoński
1  28 February, 07:07
 28 February, 09:34
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice!
 1 March, 15:34
LOL, like the build 😎
The idea with the Green is very nice ❤️️
 1 March, 16:01

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