Vlákno začal Alex G.

pridal nový fotoalbum.
56 9 October 2024, 07:01

Very nice build and excellent paint work Alexander . Really like the 'over painted' look. Top job Sir.
10 October 2024, 06:16

Glad you liked it mates! I chose the kit because of the box art. I saw the camo and instantly wanted to build this plane.
11 October 2024, 10:45

stunning. what was your procedure/setup to make sure the airbrush would behave properly, as in, no spatting, etc? that looks like you need great confidence in your airbrush and airbrush skills
15 November 2024, 09:17

Thx guys!
Never a pro: this is a topic you could write chapters about but I can give you the most essential tips from my experience:
-Filter the paint through some fine sieve or mesh before filling your airbrush, this prevents little clumps that are always present clogging your nozzle
-Use paint drying retarder, same as above plus it gives the paint more "elasticity" and makes the application more smooth
Spraying a camo pattern like this is a fine balance between air pressure, paint volume, paint viscosity and many other factors. As already mentioned you can write chapters about it but in the end it culminates to: practice, fail, try again, practice....
15 November 2024, 15:29

Looks like someone can handle his airbrush with considerable proficiency.
15 November 2024, 15:36