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57 16 October 2024, 21:30

Looks great. I have the kit in my stash, will have to build it soon 👍
16 October 2024, 21:50

After two hours, the whole cockpit, wings and "fuselage" were together. I got totally sucked in after the first two hours and it really got in the way of other projects! So fun!!!
16 October 2024, 21:53

Biggest issue is the choice of D-Day markings. The white bands are 60 mm on each wing and on the booms. This makes the individual stripes 12 mm. Pretty easy once you see it. I started out with 50 mm white band. That was clearly too short.
16 October 2024, 21:56

Model Master Neutral Gray on the underside and Vallejo 71.043 (US Olive Drab) on top. Lots of Tamiya Panel Line accent black overall.
16 October 2024, 21:58

The Mig Rigging is pretty fine... takes some "getting used to".
16 October 2024, 22:02

I have seen claims that Olds first two kills were in this specific aircraft.
17 October 2024, 00:27

Really nice work DM....Lovely build.
Best story around Robin Olds in a P-38 was that he got behind a flight of 109's.....he was ready to open fire when his engines cut - dead. He had forgot to switch tanks to his internals when he jettisoned his external tanks. Instead of resolving his fuel transfer issues he just carried on lining up on the 109 and shot it down while in 'glide mode'. That's calmness under pressure for you.
17 October 2024, 06:16

Great build! The nose wheel is up, does the the nose weight ball included in the kit need to be reinforced with extra lead?
17 October 2024, 07:04

Thanks all…
The nose wheel appears elevated because I use a sheet of glass on my bench. The glass is 1/4" thickness.
17 October 2024, 15:02

Now if I can get my antenna insulators to compare with Bernhard Schrock's Sea King! Definitely a worthy target!
17 October 2024, 20:02

Great result! Congratulations!
After reading Olds' biography, I have just started building the same kit, although I plan to do the narural metal version. How were the decals from kitsworld? Are they ok or do they require special attention?
6 November 2024, 18:34

Hi George. I would be careful with the KitsWorld decals. They really don't have much film on them. I recommend getting the decal placed and see if it needs any attention after it dries. Aggressive setting solutions are not needed. Go slow!
6 November 2024, 22:57

Ah, Ha DM! (Referencing Danger Mouse UK TV Cartoon) That is a lovely build of Robin Old's P38. 👍🥸🤘
7 November 2024, 06:06

Danger Mouse! Seems a generation we will only remember. Something like the current younger generation may not know the pain of dialing "0" on a rotary phone... I love the reference!
8 November 2024, 03:31

David H, the clean finish presumes they just received these birds from other squadrons that were at the time converting to the new P-51's. This particular bird was cleaned up and hastily painted with stripes. Not long after all this, Olds moved over to the new P-51D, which is why I have another. of the Tamiya P-51Ds so I can make it up as SCAT III... in 1/32nd Scale.
8 November 2024, 03:33

Oooh 1/32 "stang" looking forward to that !😎 , I've packed most of my kits for an impending house move but have the 1/32 revell aka special hobby in there somewhere .👍🏻
8 November 2024, 10:51

Masterful work on the antennas in addition to a very successful painting and weathering ! Congratulations!
15 November 2024, 09:25