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30 28 October 2024, 19:31

Another aircraft to add to my Japanese WW2 stable. Unfortunately, this one is an old tool but hopefully I can do it justice. 🙂
28 October 2024, 19:33

I've finally made a start on this monster of an aeroplane. The insides have been painted with Vallejo Model Air Aotake Green. Cockpit now completed as is the cockpit controls. Next will be inserting and masking all of the transparencies before I can put the fuselage together. 🙂
Welcome Mark, Stephen & Finn. I hope you enjoy the build. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Franck D, Lukasz G, Moreno B, Mark S, Stephen L, Rafael, Djordje N & Piettro DA. 👍
24 January, 17:00

Very nice Guy 👍 great subjects.... definitely be popular this one.
What length is that fuselage roughly??
1 24 January, 19:32

How are you finding Vallejo to spray? I switched to AKRC and stuck with Tamiya, after trial and error with other Acrylics. Which is why I shaved my head to stop me tearing my hair out. 🥸🤟😳🤘🥸
1 24 January, 19:36

I've used Vallejo quite a lot, and I'm mainly using AK and ICM lately.
Paint has been a big learning curve that I'm still on.
I'm found that from one paint to the next and from one colour to the next the behaviour of the paint change's. White's, greys need much more thinning ....alot of it seems to be all about the thinning raschio for that particular paint, water will thin Vallejo...but it doesn't get it out the gun/airbrush well.
Mr leveling thinner is a good go-to and always pays to experiment with small amount before job to find nice mix.
I've lost few hairs 🫣 and blamed the brush, changed the needle, pressure...all the time it was thinning right.😤.
1 24 January, 21:30

Mr D. Yep, went down that route paint to thinner ratio, needle size, air pressure the "new" acrylics. When it came to detail work especially on Luftwaffe mottling they just don't cut the mustard. I prefer the hybrids Tamiya, AKRC don't smell as much as lacquers (keeps Our Lass of me back) and do the job. Although AKRC may have tweaked the formula a bit. I'll keep the Vallejo's for figure and brush work. Since I came back to the hobby and at 63 the less hassle the better. 🤘🥸🤟
2 25 January, 05:36

Internal windows added and then cockpit and cockpit controls added after a lot of hassle getting the alignment correct. Finally, fuselage put together. 🙂
Welcome along for the ride Ben, Mr D, Mark, Thomas & Nicolas. 👍
Mark, I mainly use Vallejo Model Air for airbrushing. I find it OK and, in the main, don't need to thin it. Vallejo Model Color is a different proposition. I tend to use that for brush work. I also use some Hataka paints for airbrushing. Most of those need a little thinning (with Hataka thinners, I find best). 👍
Mr D, the fuselage is 33.5 cm long and the wingspan 55.35 cm. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Duster_D, Mr D, Ben M, Matti T & 2 other mates. 👍
1 9 February, 16:12

The rest of the transparencies added (masked) and the wing stanchions. The fuselage is now ready for primer. 🙂
Thanks Stephen for the comment. I agree! I'm going to have to find somewhere to put this once completed! 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Daniel K. 👍
11 February, 16:56

Vallejo primer added and then a bit of pre-shading. The fuselage is ready for painting. 🙂
Thanks Dave for the kind comment, welcome along. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Zbynek H, Jean Louis D, Dave F & Stephan H. 👍
22 February, 16:25

Beautiful plane, I'm hoping Hasegawa will rleease a new mould as they did with the Emily. Great start on this venerable kit!
1 22 February, 16:44

Upper side of fuselage painted Vallejo Model Air IJN Deep Dark Green. 🙂
Many thanks Paul for your kind comment. I hope Hasegawa produce a new tool for this aircraft, this one is pretty dated and of course raised panels. 👍
26 February, 16:46

Wings and tail plane have had primer & pre-shading added. 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement Mr D, I appreciate it, it's going slowly but steadily. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like William J. 👍
29 March, 17:12