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51 23 November 2024, 00:44

Nice. Enjoying the build?
Someday, fingers crossed. On my opportunity buy watchlist.
1 23 November 2024, 00:53

Yes! It's a great kit. I got one of the special edition with the white metal German Shepherd and the Ernst Rüdel figure. The combinations of parts between Jg 1 and Jg 2 are something to be mindful of however. There are several decals for the car parts so I'm still sorting through that. Time and care must be taken on the cockpit and the figures as there is a lot of posing and seating to be performed before everything is painted. And I am coming back to this one after having started it almost 15 years ago...
23 November 2024, 04:58

Completing the cockpit makes the whole project move along!
23 November 2024, 05:27

Thanks! Picture 5 is wet decal on gloss coated panel. Then two days of working the decal with Mr. Decal Setter and Solvaset. Then gloss coated panel and decal. Then Alclad semi-matte finish. Also used some Tamiya panel line accent between instrument bezels. Then each instrument is given a glass lens using Micro Krystal Klear. Not perfect, but in a dark cockpit it seems okay. The real color and detail will come from the pilot and gunner/radio operator figures…
29 November 2024, 04:32

I'm not an expert or a spoiler, but I think the 'Kanonenvogel' apeared long after that 🤔
The G1, Specialized tank destroyer evolved in 1942-43.
Basically a conversion of the Ju 87D-3 with attachment points to carry two 37 mm Flak 18 (BK 3,7) cannon in streamlined fairings outboard of the main undercarriage legs. (Cannon attachment points could be exchanged for bomb racks.) Standard defensive armament; often had improved ground vision panel in the cockpit floor.
1 2 December 2024, 13:53

You are probably right. I am just building the version I was provided by Hasegawa, which over the years, have not always been accurate! In any event, I find the story (800 takes destroyed) and the era, Kursk 1941/42 to be interesting for sure. This particular Jg 2 scheme smacks of a summer deployment without the eventual knowledge that the impending winter would bring!
2 December 2024, 22:31

Battle of Kursk. Summer of 1943, from 5 July 😄
The Gunner looks great. Well done 👍
1 2 December 2024, 22:53

True about Kursk. I had worked from the Barbarossa reference which was probably too early for the Ju-87G for sure. Thanks for the compliment! The Hasegawa figures are definitely not 3D printed! Lots of carving to get them in better shape...
3 December 2024, 15:20

He's showing his teeth. It's really difficult to paint that…
4 December 2024, 13:17

Always stellar work... Nice to see WW2 subject from you now....... good luck with the build 👍👍
1 8 December 2024, 20:21

Thanks Mr. D. The decals for the inside of the canopies seems to be a little too much work when I can mask the interior and paint the correct color...
1 8 December 2024, 23:22

So, the Pilot's hood is really not good. I suppose the middle hood could be too short, but the Pilot's hood is also too tall. About 1 mm too tall. So, if I shave down the bottom of the pilot's hood, I wonder if it will better fill the gap between the back of the Pilot's hood and the middle hood? It seems the gunner's hood fits pretty good.
1 9 December 2024, 03:29

Well, the canopies have taken days longer than I anticipated. I am almost done with the last (gunner's) canopy. Clearly from the complexity of the gunner's canopy, he had a pretty unenviable job. It looks like the limit bar inside the gunner's canopy, which limits the swing of the guns to prevent damage to the airframe, also limits the visibility of the gunner too!
1 12 December 2024, 16:08

The canopy is clear ...you should have a good view of pilot , nice job on crew👍
What have you used to mask the front canopy? or is it just protection?
Coming along nicely 👌👍
1 12 December 2024, 19:44

Masking has been a combination of 3M Scotch Transparent tape and Tamiya Masking Tape. A little bit of Mr. Masking Sol R and Micro Mask. Just really trying to keep the interior of the canopies very clear for now. The Gunner's Hood is really a ton of work. The interior frame is done except for a little cleanup after the exterior is painted...
12 December 2024, 20:28

Be worth it in the end ... Looking good, thanks for scotch tape tip .
Good luck with everything 👍👍
2 12 December 2024, 23:30

Excellent work so far! The figures are very well done, the clear parts are really clear!
2 15 December 2024, 10:01

Well, Now it's time for coating, weathering and markings!
16 December 2024, 01:03

I think I'll let the paint dry for a while and work on the Pak 18 cannons…
16 December 2024, 02:44

Wise decision to let the paint dry. Patience at the right moments saves reworking later 😉
Looks good, do you used enamels?
1 16 December 2024, 18:37

I have saved my Model Master RLM74, 75, and 76 for just this time! I used Mr.Color Yellow for the stripe and bottom of the wing tips! The Testirs thinner is no good for these paints since it was sold to a different manufacturer and is now unable to properly thin the MM paints. Fortunately, the Squadron enamel thinner seems to be an excellent substitute! Base was Mr. Surfacer 1500 black and grey.
1 16 December 2024, 18:43

That Tamiya Saw looks like a bit of kit worth getting 🤔.
The Dog will be a nice touch .... Natzi's liked an angry dog 🐕.
Was Ju-87 used for a defensive role??
Enjoy following your builds 👍👍
1 16 December 2024, 19:02

Thanks all for the comments! Mr. D, the Kannonenvögel was used as a Tank Buster on the Eastern Front.
16 December 2024, 19:14

Looking great! I enjoyed this build, but I cheated and used the montex canopy mask set. Totally worth it!!!
2 17 December 2024, 15:26

This German shepherd reminds me of my father's dog - yes, great paint job.
1 17 December 2024, 17:30

Thanks guys! If anyone knows the story of what the dog's name is, I would really appreciate knowing that! Cheers!
17 December 2024, 19:02

Ugh... I think I bought this kit in 2007. That means the decals are... 17 years old. Very brittle to say the least. I am using Mr. MarkSofter which is excellent in this case, but the spiral decal for the spinner is really trouble! We'll see what I can do with it...
19 December 2024, 06:10

I hope the decals are still on the sheet! In this case you can protect them with this product. It creates a very thin "rubber" film on top so they do not fall into parts.
Liquid Decal Film (Microscale MI-12, No)
If you do not have it, Gunze Mr. Metal Primer can also be used, but I would use an airbrush to avoid that the brush tip dissolve decal parts. Background: I had a decal paper for self printing decals and in the manual this Gunze clear coat was recommended to protect the print before applying the decal to the model.
4 19 December 2024, 08:03

You might be better off painting the spiral, but the trick is matching the off-white color Hasegawa insisted on printing their white color decals in back then.
1 19 December 2024, 13:30

Thanks Frank and John! I have the film but did not use it. I have used the film in the past and it is a great option! I was trying to slowly work the spiral on and soften the film as I went. Still broke in a few places, but I think I can correct it a bit. John, as for painting it on, I should have got that route but I had constructed that part of the kit so many years ago. I would have had to break it down and start over. I actually tried to undo some of the construction so I could get the spinner and oil slinger off the prop but would have been too much damage. So, between touch-up and weathering I think I can overcome the damage. I agree, their off-white is a bit odd, but I think the Vallejo white, ivory and grey can make the difference! Thanks for the encouragement!
1 19 December 2024, 15:43

Ah, having to "undo" construction would certainly complicate matters. I ended up painting mine for the exact same reason, cracked decals. Tamiya white with just a touch of XF-57 buff and XF-59 desert yellow was a good match for the decal color but the vallejo mix sounds workable too. I think it's asking a lot of decals, especially old Hasegawa ones (which, let's face it, aren't that great when new) to conform to that spinner. Too bad Hasegawa didn't see fit to include masks for that, but Eduard-level kit goodies were still some years in the future! Nice job on the Shepherd, by the way!
1 19 December 2024, 16:25

John, you are absolutely correct on all points! Thanks for commiserating!
19 December 2024, 18:44

I may. try the Tamiya mix and see how that does! I will probably try to beat down the decal with some Solvaset.
1 19 December 2024, 18:45

That's a difficult decal to do at the best of times 🤔,
At least you have a good pattern to paint in, lve had this happen on new HB and Tamiya decals.
You will have it tidied up soon.
Build is looking good 👍👍
1 19 December 2024, 21:04

Weathering has begun. Thanks Jennifer. I failed to be too patient and switched to the Vallejo paints for the spinner...
21 December 2024, 16:04

Sadly, the two cross decals on the lower surface of the wing just won't cooperate. So I have decided to remove them and paint them on...
1 23 December 2024, 22:18

Your paint job looks better than the decals probably would have.
1 23 December 2024, 23:03

You were looking at the 17 year old decals that wouldn't sit down…. 😃👍
1 26 December 2024, 19:12

Welp... time for a final inspection before unmasking the canopy!
1 26 December 2024, 19:13

More work than planned with the biodegradable decals 🙄 ...it's the nature of the hobby it can sometimes be 1 step forward 2 back, I've had a drill bit break off yesterday 🫣😠 stuck in the model!!
But your pulling it back now and looking good 👍👍
2 26 December 2024, 21:19

You know the feeling well Mr. D!!! It has been exactly that way on this one. I hope to unmask the canopy this afternoon!
26 December 2024, 22:01

Now I can genuinely say that your paint job looks better than the decals that were on there before... lol
1 27 December 2024, 02:17

Thank you Villers, Dave and Guy! This one tried me. It's my first attempt using oil and Liquin for weathering.
27 December 2024, 19:35

Very nice Ju 87 , well built. But what happened at the bottom !!???? With the crosses !!???? They are totally crooked !! Can you correct that ?
1 27 December 2024, 23:06

Thanks Rui! Damian, This particular marking set requires that the crosses be at an angle. Apparently Hans Ulrich Rudel had them that way. I could absolutely remove them and repaint, but if they were straight, that might not be correct…
2 27 December 2024, 23:45