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Container Trailer WIP
Almost fully assembled chassis. Attached the springs, the axles and the cross-members around the springs. Also attached ...
projekt: Container Trailer
3 17 January, 17:05

I've started the same kit. Well, I built the box, minus the doors, anyway. I saw the pin marks on the chassis rails, and decided to wait until I get back in the cave. Surgery is definitely needed, to make this kit decent. Nice work on the plumbing, mate 👍
1 5 February, 19:38

Thank Bozzer.
There is certainly no shortage of pin marks, sink marks and other gaps on this kit but using CA glue and Talcum to fill them make this project progress in a reasonable pace.
Made some progress but didn't have time to post any photos. Hope to update my album this weekend.
1 6 February, 05:18

I was looking at making the doors functional. With light sanding on each hinge, it should work. Just a simple pin or fine metal rod, through the centre, should do it. There's a small gap at the front of the container, where the two halves meet, which will need to be filled too. My plan for that, is a simple length of wood, with a piece of plastic on the end. Push it down the container, to back up the filler, then fill. Once it's gone off, remove everything and you should have a smooth joint on the inside, and just sand the outside. I need to take a look at it again, and see if that's the way I'm going to go though?
I suppose I should make an album for it, too? Are you going to use the stock fenders, for the wheels? I am putting mine behind an American truck, so I was thinking about just using mud flaps and maybe quarter fenders?
6 February, 06:53

I had a look at those nifty angle setters too. They're a pretty clever invention, for what we do. Then I came across their laser cut plywood, and that's spurred me on for a proper flatbed? I've seen it done before, both great and badly, but when it's done right, the difference is amazing. I have a gooseneck build, in the wings, and again, they'd work for that too. Didn't even know that place existed, and I've been in York several times. Thanks for the heads up 👍
6 February, 07:11

Yes Bozzer, I will use the stock genders. I think they fit the look of this old trailer well. I just need to find a way to fill the voids on the underside of the fenders due to the fenders brackets being moulded in place.
8 February, 12:05