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13 20 January, 17:18

hi everyone, starting a new kit simple build I hope for the begining of the year.
first step opening windows and hole in the hull.
20 January, 17:26

1ststep working on the openings windows, gouvernail, and decks to give a less toyish look. uploaded photos. Let me know if you have further suggestion of modifiction on deck and hull. thanks !
22 January, 11:13

additional pics to show progress. Santa Maria Carack did have the main bridge open and not closed. The kit propose you to have solid walls and paint them in black. I decided to open them. but I has also to create the prolongation of the main deck now visible.
Filled also the masts crippled with ejection pins..
24 January, 00:33

additinal pics I did research and it seem the bow of the boart is incorrect as it is in the recent replica of the santa maria or in the plands. I cut the upper breadge at the bow and will replace it by a triangular platform as seen in the pics. work in progress.
26 January, 21:12

Finshed painting of the main desk using 1mm band with 3 different wood collor to give some detail to the deck. May be not really accurate but give some interest on it. Next step masking and painting the hull. let me know what you think.
28 January, 06:42

now I getting stuck trying to paint the the hull. I tried to start by a clear tone ochre yellow and a wash with Citadel constrat seraphim. but I am far to obtain what I want in the ref pic I found on the wen. any thought shal I mask aslo the hull to make planck and fill it with more redish brown tone ?
1 February, 03:24

I'm building a similar small ship and decided to just use a wash to add realism. Masking individual boards on such a small model seemed not worth it to me.
1 1 February, 04:23

indeed will take a lot of time and there is a lot of reinforcment in the way. thanks for the advise.
1 February, 04:28

Also the hulls are very curved. Maybe next time I will try it but not this time.
1 February, 04:54

second layers with vallejo colors (I do not have oil paint with me). still too light for a boat that crossed the ocean. need more work on the hull.
2 February, 00:44

You have to lighten up small objects or they are just black holes. My little ship is too dark but oh well. Yours looks great. I should have painted before assembling like you are.
5 February, 02:03

Thank you Jennifer, Ben Davide and Finn.
Slow progress starting to put together the hull.
@Ben regarding the color, you are right, after leaving it few days on my table, I look at it differently and agree with you.
9 February, 14:10

Thank you Guy and welcome on this log. i definitivelly need review on my progress otherwise I will procrastinate and do it the easy way. .
11 February, 03:29

building the 'Castle' (not represented in Heller/Mastercraft kit) but that have most likely existed in such carrack. I am making it from plastic (deck) card and plastic yorgourt pot (walls) . Howver the below deck is open and much more visible than I tought. I need to rework it as it look odd that the stair stop in the middle... 🙂 .
11 February, 03:34

@Jennifer: Yes citadel flesh tearers red to enahnce also the reddish aspect of the planking I wanted to make. if you do not have you can still dilute black or dark brown or dark red and add a very small drop of liquid soap to reduce the surface tension and allox the 'jus' to flow on the edge. you taget the angle you want to darken and you can pass after with clean weat brush if you feel there is too much.
2 18 February, 00:27