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Cristian A
pridal nový fotoalbum.
13 snímky
MiG-29 Fulcrum `Sniper´ - build logView album, image #12
Decals applied, then 2 coats of Tamiya X-22 Clear to protect the decals and after a few hours drying up, curently applyi...
1:72 MiG-29 Fulcrum `Sniper´ (Hasegawa 00179)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038)No Micro Cutting Pliers (Master Tools 09968)
23 22 January, 15:54
1  22 January, 18:45
Bas Tonn
Incredible cold-war-era vibe from that first picture, even when it's clearly summer.
1  22 January, 19:02
Watching 👍
1  23 January, 20:58
Cristian A autor
Welcome guys!
@Bas Tonn, you are right! Didn't see it from that perspective until now, but the photo was taken in 2001, Cold War was technically over 🙂
 25 January, 15:01
Cristian A autor
The "Sniper" is done, reveal photos here 🙂

MiG-29 Fulcrum `Sniper´ - final reveal | Album by hobbywith.cristian (1:72)
 2 February, 22:00
Looks great. 👍
1  3 February, 19:54
Cristian A autor
Thanks Nicolas!! 👍
 3 February, 21:18
looks great
1  3 February, 21:51
Cristian A autor
Many thanks Spanjaard!
 4 February, 20:58

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