Vlákno začal grumpy4263

pridal nový fotoalbum.
41 26 January, 19:34

This is the first of two Hawks that I will be building, this is the 81-A-2 as flown by the Flying Tigers by US volunteers in China. 🙂
1 26 January, 19:37

Made a start on this aircraft, the interior colour is Vallejo Model Air US Interior Yellow. 🙂
Welcome CaptGPF & Thomas, great to have you along. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes J35J, Jean, Duster_d & Jun Chung. 👍
16 February, 16:30

Main part of the fuselage put together and wing tops added to the bottom. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Franck G. 👍
18 February, 15:58

Wings and cockpit added to fuselage. 🙂
Welcome Dave & J35J, you're both extremely welcome. 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Franck G. 👍
19 February, 15:23

Tail, engine covering etc. added. Next will be primer and pre-shading. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Matti T & 2 other mates. 👍
20 February, 16:22

Looks great 👍 Which colour have you used for the interior? Looks remarkably spot-on for what I've read/seen described as „Curtiss Interior Green".
1 20 February, 19:56

Light grey primer added and then a bit of pre-shading. 🙂
Thanks for the kind comment Kenneth, the colour used is Vallejo Model Air US Interior Yellow. 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Kenneth. 👍
1 22 February, 16:20

Underside painted with Vallejo Model Air Light Gull Gray ANA 620. 👍
23 February, 17:33

Upper side first camouflage colour painted Vallejo Model Air USAF Brown ANA 628. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Zbynek H. 👍
26 February, 16:43

I am in, have started yesterday the same plane but from Trumpeter. 😉 Have a look!
27 February, 15:59

Camouflage green added, 2:1 Vallejo Model Air USAF Green ANA 612 & Vallejo Model Air US Forest Green ANA 631. 🙂
Thanks for the kind comment Thomas. 👍
Welcome along for the ride Edward. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Edward Mc & 1 other mate. 👍
1 2 March, 16:02

Decals now on. Panel lines to be done with a wash and then matt varnish to be applied. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Rui R. 👍
3 March, 16:06

Now completed, thanks for watching. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Bozo, Mark K & Alexander R. 👍
12 March, 16:01

Agree with everyone, clean and beautiful. P-40 was the early workhorse and you did it justice
1 14 March, 04:23

A little about the pilot Flight Leader Charles Older:
Charles Older joined the Flying Tigers in China with 3 Pursuit Squadron prior to the USA's entry into the Second World War. He had qualified as a pilot in the US Marine Reserves but resigned his commission to volunteer for the Flying Tigers. He was credited with 10 "kills" and by the end of the war was a Lt Col. In 1950 he flew B-26s on active duty during the Korean War.
In 1952 he studied law at the University of Southern California and became a judge in 1967, appointed by then governor, Ronald Reagan.
His most famous trial was that of Charles Manson.
He died in 2006 at the age of 88.
Many thanks J35J, Rui S, Capt GPF, Neil, Jennifer, Edward, Lukasz, Thomas & Djordje for your very kind comments, I appreciate them greatly. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Ronald C, Andre K, Franklin C, MidFranconian, Christian, Mark S, Rui S, Capt GPF, Neil,
Jennifer F, Marcel, Cuajete, Carlos M, Djordje, Pietro DA & 3 other mates. 👍
1 23 March, 16:20