Vlákno začal Mike_AUT

pridal nový fotoalbum.
41 12 February, 18:48

Thank you all!
@Denis that sounds like a real challenge 😉
@Łukasz I tried to replicate the Czech livery, as seen on the boxart!
1 12 February, 20:21

Denis, this kit was a gift from a subscriber from the Czech Republic who also flew the Zlin within the Czech Air Force. I agree that the other schemes are also interesting though!
12 February, 21:19

Well, I want to say that the Hobby Boss is better at assembly, but the result is not much worse..
1 16 February, 16:14

Now you made me guys thinking about that one of Tropas Guardafronteras 😄
16 February, 16:31

The red on the Czech insignia is always on the side towards the fuselage, not away from the fuselage. You can see it on the back of the kit box!
3 17 February, 00:03

Thank you Zbynek, you're totally right 🫤 I don't think I can fix that now...
1 17 February, 08:55

Thank you Lukas. It's an ok kit but I should have paid more attention considering the wing decals and placement of the instrument panel :/
17 February, 20:55

Klasse Ergebnins 👍, leider hab ich den Bau verpasst. In meiner Schulzeit hab ich den Bausatz auch schon mal gebaut, damals noch von Aeroteam und mit Pinselbemalung.
25 February, 19:27

Danke Nicolas! Details zum Bau gibt's im Video oben. Hätte besser laufen können 😅
26 February, 06:48