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Vlákno začal Johannes Schendlinger

Johannes Schendlinger
pridal nový fotoalbum.
20 snímky
T-2C Buckeye View album, image #20Nový: 31 March, 16:59
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projekt: T-2C Buckeye
1:48 North American T-2 Buckeye "Red and White Trainer" (Special Hobby SH48119)1:48 T-2C Buckeye VT-19, VT-23, VT-26 (TwoBobs Aviation Graphics 48-201)1:48 T-2 Buckeye Injected Clear Parts (Special Hobby SH48231-9)
20 18 February, 16:56
Juergen Klinglhuber
1  18 February, 18:38
Sergej I
1  19 February, 08:40
Johannes Schendlinger autor
Nice to have you here guys! 😊
1  19 February, 10:22
I have the original Two Bobs version in the stash - following with interest!
1  19 February, 13:07
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
1  18 March, 21:44
Mark Sherwood
I do like the shape of the Buckeye, nice start Johannes.👍
1  29 March, 09:21

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