Vlákno začal StevenVD

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13 1 March, 02:20

It was a rowdy start with the left part of the frame warped. I removed the warp with a thread tended between the wheelbays. Some changes were done to the interior to place the PE parts. A lot of parts are still dry-fit until after painting everything black. A strange thing is the gauge decal that has to be reversed from the sheet.
8 March, 22:59

Bienvenuti everybody, today some PE is fixed to the body after it was cleaned of sprue parts with a saw, to save the window styles. I wanted to open up the deaeration ducts before placing the PE gills. I also felt the need to sand the orange monobloc clearparts, they have visible sinkmarks.
1 16 March, 14:51

Great work so far, Steven, and a nice reference book. What colour have you painted the bodywork?
17 March, 01:48

Thanks, George. At this moment no paint has been applied yet. Instructions for the entire frame are a mix semi gloss/ matt black, but my reference for the interior seems to be leather brown. This will be done with Tamiya and Gunze paints. The outside will be the emerald green paint I showed on the pictures. I think this is solvent based, it's ten years ago I used that in an airbrush.
17 March, 09:02

Most of the PE is applied now, only licence plates, wipers and buckles are remaining, plus the engine finetuning parts. Some polishing had to be done to the right door panel, I was able to balance a ball on that sinkmark. The engine hood did not align well with the body, some bits of plastic were added and filed down until it fit. I misplaced one MACA duct element but this was soon repaired. It might not have been if I wouldn't have dry-fit every part. The PE door locking system was not added because it doesn't allow for the door to be closed down, and there is no counterpart in the door panel. I removed the square direction indicator lights, these are replaced by round ones. I was dissuaded from using the Aoshima masking, I will replace it with Tamiya tape.
25 March, 12:31