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Danny Ray
pridal nový projekt.
6 snímky
1:35 T34/85 (Airfix A1361)
T-34/85 Model 1945 (Factory No. 112)
SU Красная армия (Soviet Red Army 1918-1946)
9 Tank Corps
1945 World War 2
20 March, 11:29
Danny Ray autor
Any idea why Scalemates site invariably uploads one's pictures in the incorrect perspective? It's odd 🙂
 20 March, 11:38
Clair Greenwood
My phone pics do the same thing Danny, go into advanced and you can select the correct orientation. I think it's mostly because a phone isn't sure which is top or bottom since people use then sideways and all. Then when you upload it gets confused. That or we're just doomed and Im full of sh..... Shiny buttons lol
1  20 March, 19:10
Danny Ray autor
lol. I think we're doomed 😳😂
 20 March, 21:16
Danny Ray autor
Look how bad my first ever attempt at PE parts came out. Tissue stuck to it forced and when I did my first ever track links I put the second one in the wrong way round! Not a good day. Maybe I'm not cut out for this malarkey? 😳
@jakko can you see that mate? Shocking, no? Lol
 20 March, 21:19
Clair Greenwood
Always always work with p/e on wax paper, super glue wont stick well. In fact it takes up to an hour for a drop to dry on wax. One drop gets lots of connections done 😉 It's kind of like riding a crotch rocket, first few tries you may get road rash, but you get better and better. Next think you know you're winning a GP race.
1  21 March, 00:10
Danny Ray autor
Thanks Clair. Good advice. I think I'll go watch a few YouTube vids on working with PE too.
1  21 March, 06:57

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