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M.Julian Marles
Just picked this up for a song on Amazon. Turns out there's a couple of small inaccuracies but nothing major 🙂
T26E4 Pershing Late Production
HobbyBoss 1:35
82428 2010 Nové nálepky
21 October 2015, 01:26
John Van Kooten
Congrats! This is indeed a great kit! I also need to add it to my stash. Thanks for the reminder! 👍 😄

I think this kit is much better than the Dragon T26E3, which I have started building (the Orange Box version). The Dragon kit is not exactly high quality and has quite a few (serious) fit issues, especially on the rear (engine deck, everything in the vicinity of the fenders and other parts).

The inaccuracies in the Hobby Boss kit were related to the front armor and the communication device on the back, right? If I remember correctly?
 21 October 2015, 06:36
M.Julian Marles autor
The dragon turret is off dimensionally quite a bit. This late version has to be back dated if you want the normal ww2 version...ya, the rear phone, it has the smaller rear exhaust instead of large and it has flanges on the rear . everything is good for postwar except the rear exhaust. The biggest issue is the deck covers which should be two rectangles not one piece...easily solved with a sharp scribe😢
 21 October 2015, 16:43
M.Julian Marles autor
If you want a Korean version this would be it I guess. So most of the stuff is not innacurracies, just not appropriate for wwII
 21 October 2015, 16:45
M.Julian Marles autor
Just got the kit, it looks really nice. Cool cast texture and what appears to be a nifty engine/transmission. No turret interior though. Two track options..both are one piece vinyl affairs. Decals for what looks like two test versions.
 25 October 2015, 19:22
John Van Kooten
Superb! 👍 And thanks for the extra info! 👍
As for the tracks... well... they'd have to go and be replaced. Everything else sounds good to me 🙂
 25 October 2015, 19:49
M.Julian Marles autor
Yeah, not the worst one piece tracks but not great..kinda thick lol! 🙂
 25 October 2015, 20:19
M.Julian Marles autor
I guess the Fruil ATL-77 tracks are what you would need....or maybe Spade Ace 35091 which at $35 are probbaly cheaper...FYI I guess the kit features only the T26E4 version, which was experimental..omitting the external no actual combat options....this would explain the meagre decal options 😛
 25 October 2015, 20:51
M.Julian Marles autor
I paid $16 and I don't think I will bother with AM tracks ...😉
 25 October 2015, 21:02
John Van Kooten
Ah yes, that makes sense in the decal department then 😄

The experimental versions are exactly what I'm looking for so this kit should be a great choice I think 🙂

Unfortunately I don't have easy access to the Spade Ace track sets. Seems like not many resellers carry that brand in Europe? But it doesn't really matter. Friuls will do just fine, since they are pretty much my go to third party track brand anyway😉 ATL-77! Noted and added to my list. Thanks again for yet more additional and useful info! 👍 👍
 25 October 2015, 21:43
M.Julian Marles autor
no probs ! 🙂
 25 October 2015, 22:51
John Van Kooten
Yesterday I ordered the Hunnicut M26 book from Amazon. Should be here sometime next week. That'll be a great help in getting the details right when I start building this beast 🙂
 26 October 2015, 05:53
M.Julian Marles autor
 27 October 2015, 03:33
Hunter Cummins
How much did you pay?,and do you have a link? 🙂
 27 October 2015, 13:18
John Van Kooten
Hey Hunter, buddy 🙂 Of course I have a link for you 🙂 It's the German Amazon where I bought it but I have also included a link to

It's a really recent reprinted version of the book, in hardcover: link (€48,50):

Amazon USA link ($49.95):

And while I was shopping anyway, I decided it was a good idea to also order the Hunnicut US Half-Tracks book and the M4 Sherman at War book written by Michael Green & James D. Brown 😛

Hunnicut US Half-Tracks (€47,94)):

M4 Sherman at War (€18,75):
 27 October 2015, 17:40
Hunter Cummins
Thank you john! I very much appreciate it! Very useful and will see about getting it soon 🙂
 27 October 2015, 18:45
M.Julian Marles autor
sounds really useful!
 28 October 2015, 05:12
John Van Kooten
Yeah, they are really great books, all of them 👍

I am continuously working on extending my WWII Allied ground forces library since it is not as extensive as my WWII German related library. I need much more (technical) informational books on especially British / Canadian armor.
Much harder to find good books on Allied (non-US) armor unfortunately. Sherman books aplenty but, f.i., British & Canadian gun tractors... ?? I can't find a single book that has the (technical) info I am seeking. Yeah, a couple of walk around / pictures books and one or two pages of "highly detailed" 🤔 information in books on artillery guns. But that's about it 🙁

So anyway, with the Hunnicut book on the M26 I am going to see how I can model an accurate WWII T26E3 and T26E4 version. If push comes to shove, I will 3D model and 3D print the parts that are either missing or incorrect 🙂 which is where the importance of proper technical information comes in; measurements and exact layout of parts, etc.
 28 October 2015, 06:00
John Van Kooten
Well ... !! Someone has read my mind apparently! 😄

[quote=Armorama:]Wings & Wheels Publications just released a new reference book covering WWII Allied Field Artillery Tractors.[/quote]
 29 October 2015, 12:55

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