Vlákno začal Wizard

First kit I built in over 30 years and I used this as a practise kit. The goal was always to bang it up and leave it as a burned out carcass and to use it in a diorama with a German tank. 6 weeks later and another 9 tanks on the desk I think I can say that I'm hooked 😉
I will upload pictures when things have been organised and I feel it's "done".
4 July 2017, 01:10

Yes, I got badly hooked from day one and now I'm trying to slow myself down a bit because I'm running out of models faster than I can order them 😛
Things have really progressed the last 30-ish years and the quality is way better now and modern cement isn't even on the same page as the horrible tubes of glue we had back then... Paint is probably the department that has evolved the most I think?
Funny how it can be so thrilling and fun to assemble plastic kits and putting on some paint? 😉
4 July 2017, 20:20

You build faster than you can order them? Thats the first time i heard that! 😄 😄
5 July 2017, 07:07

When you get back into it after all those yrs and see how things have changed, I can see the gears turning and ambition kick in to trying these new things to challenge yourself to create something you haven't been able to do before! The people here are so helpful. a good group of guys!
5 July 2017, 13:44

Things have changed so much I don't even know where to begin...
One reason for building so many kits in a short while is to get the practise needed to be able to build, paint, weather and arrange the models as I would like to. I'm not there yet but a hell lot closer than I was 6 weeks ago!
It's also therapy because I've spent most of the last 5 years in bed after a nasty accident. (which left me in a wheelchair for 3 years until I found a surgeon who could begin to mend my mangled spine and pelvic)
I'm walking again today but due to pain and nerve damage I still spend most of the day in bed. I can build my models in bed and it gives me a reason not to just sleep all day long - and it activates my normally very active brain. This does mean that I can build for many many hours per day and that's why I've been able to build ~9 models the last 6 weeks. They are not finished paint-wise at all and more than half of them aren't even coated with primer. Yes, I've also been using my airbrush in bed but cellulose thinner isn't exactly optimal in the bedroom if I say so myself so until my new dedicated build/spray area (in another room) is done I don't do much painting.
Have just done some though - and also using cellulose thinner - in the bedroom, but only a few drops of primer... Ok, perhaps more than a few drops of paint, but only a 10 minute session... 😉
I've managed to do a lot from bed the last 5 years to be honest and I'm even known to surface mount solder in bed! 😄 If there's a will, there's a way - and being single has its perks 😛
5 July 2017, 22:31

Oh damn Jens! What bad News and what a destiny... But it explains your modelling Speed. 🙁
Maybe you Switch to Acryl paints? You can spray ´em even in bed. I wish you a speedy and good recovery!!!👍
6 July 2017, 06:35

Wow Jens! That's quite a story. But still nice to read that our hobby gets you going in life. Hang in there, get well and get some paint on those models! 😄
6 July 2017, 08:55

One moment life is fantastic and you've got a happy family and the dream job, and the next moment you're in hospital and gradually losing the ability to walk - or do anything to be honest...
But after 4 bad hospitals and as many useless surgeons I found the right one and I've been walking unsupported for the last 12 months!!! I need more surgery to repair my lower spine but I've now got hope and some sort of life back. I don't dwell on things that has happened. I try to look forward and be happy for the positive things I do have in life - like my two boys who are getting older, as they do!
I had to quit working even though I tried for three years - with my wheelchair, but as I was only getting worse I couldn't guarantee that I was turning up the next day and that wasn't great when you're a technical manager at a major company developing mobile phones - so I had to bite the bullet in the end and retire. I'm a creative type of guy that have been used to have 10+ projects running at the same time at any given point in life, and retire on medical grounds and just eat morphine and sleep most of the day wasn't great for my head exactly... During summers I'm in less pain due to the warmer weather but I've lost most of my drive doing things so rediscovering scale models again was the best that could happen me at this point in life because it's creative, it exercises the brain and you get to learn new stuff! I can spend as much time as I want building and tinkering so some days I'm quite productive - especially at night when I can't sleep due to pain. I build models instead and it's a nice change for sure!
I am using acrylic paints but during my first tests I found cellulose thinner working much better than water or the commercially available "non-toxic" thinners. Perhaps I should try one of those again? One huge benefit with cellulose thinner is that the paint dries really quick so you can add the next layer 5 minutes later, if you want to. Sleeping in the fumes afterwards is not as fun though... 😛
I can't decide whether to get the airbrush and the paints out right now or to try to get some sleep? I'm sleeping much better lately - and NOT due to the thinner - but because I'm happy at the moment for finding a new hobby where you can "geek out" as much as you want in order to find details etc, or to recreate something historical. Like I said - great therapy!
Thanks for your kind comments!!! 🙂
6 July 2017, 20:33

Hey Jens, if it helps...I started back into modeling in 2010 due to surgeries as well , not as bad as you but I've also had 5 surgeries I the last 5 yrs as well and I'm on disability which doesn't pay much especially when you're married. LOL Remember...if you don't hate your therapist they're not doing a good job! Sad but true, LOL. I know about the mental prison that you've been in , just keep pushin on and you'll get there. It's taken me 7 yrs from 1st surgery to adapt and accept my limitations. Imagination and modelling are great for your brain to run free. We Look forward to seeing what mind will create. Best wishes
7 July 2017, 01:37

a lot of us have turned to hobby because of some kind of disability it seems. Same for me. Keep pushing the envelope and beautiful thing will happen....
7 July 2017, 11:19

Hi Jen's,
I hope you get much better now, that you found the correct surgeon, hope and can concentrate in our hobby and forget the pain.
Have you think about or consider, using alcohol iso or even lighter fluid with your paints?
7 July 2017, 20:10

Thar sounds like a serious case of modelling fever 😉
Welcome back 👍
7 July 2017, 20:39

Thanks again for all of your kind words!!! 🙂
Scale modelling so far is making me feel happy, and I get to "tinker" and use my brain and my creativity, so I'm not at all surprised that there's more than a few here who discovered this whilst recovering from injury/trauma/PTS etc. I'm going to talk to my doctors about this so they can recommend it to other people in the future!
I've been recommended to use isopropanol instead of cellulose thinner but I need to find a cheaper source first because the isopropanol I've got at home is for PCB cleaning - and it's rather expensive what I've got. I'll try to order a 1 litre bottle of some cheaper stuff and try because isopropanol smells a lot less than cellulose thinner for sure. Thanks for reminding me!
I did try medical grade ethanol when I first bought the airbrush 6 weeks ago but it didn't play well with Tamiyas paints. Not for me anyway. It was only 70% and some of the other 30% could be the culprit though so it could do with some further investigation?!
Isopropanol is something I use for my electronics tinkering so that's something I need anyway, and it that works it'd be great!
And yes, it certainly seems I've caught a serious form of modelling fever! 😛
Cheers guys!
7 July 2017, 23:07

Glad to help in anyway, mate.
I really hope cheaper iso will help you get your painting work on the way 👍
8 July 2017, 09:20