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Lipetsk Training Center - Sukhoi Su-27SM - WIP
projekt: Su-27SM - Lipetsk Training Center
74 7 November 2018, 10:20

It's Russian, it's fast and it's a jet ... and it's my all time favouritist hairyplane! It will be done in a Maritime camo of course? Don't mind me Alex, i'll Be in the back seat learning cryllic writing!
8 November 2018, 07:34

"i'll Be in the back seat learning cryllic writing!" It's a one seater, Peter! ...Hey, that even rhymes😄
8 November 2018, 08:08

As for the camo, there are two options for the serial jets in the AF, a two tone blue and a three tone grey/grey blue camo. I am still indecisive which one it is going to be..
8 November 2018, 08:19

If I was 40 kilos lighter I'd sit on your knee! Either camo will look awesome!
8 November 2018, 08:50

since Peter is taking the space in the cabin, i will take a seat outside, but will certainly not miss this one!
12 November 2018, 23:34

There are no seats left outside either, Spanjaard but i can hang you on one of the pylons, there are plenty of them 😄
13 November 2018, 05:35

The place in the burner can seems cozy too, at least when the engine isn't runnng...
13 November 2018, 05:37

Spanjaard, it's warm and cozy in there what do you want else? You can have a blanket if you want 😄
14 November 2018, 10:59

Aris, if you count them I reassure you there are a few missing😄 Treehugger, you are welcome!
14 November 2018, 11:01

Amazing work so far. The burner cans do make you question whether they were worth it for this scale. The Cockpit looks amazing. As for the rivet detail, I'm definitely not worthy. Truly amazing.
14 November 2018, 13:19

Thanks mates!
Bryn, thing is i never installed aftermarket burner cans before so I just wanted to try. Are they worth it? They do look better than the kit parts but considering them being not correct in their proportions you could wish for more for 13€. Again, to my eye the rear part of the nozzle seems to bee to long. Maybe there are different versions of these nozzles and I am mistaken and would love to stand corrected, but my research has shown it to be the case. The riveting, i must say this is a significant effect for such little work. What did I spend on a fin, 15 minutes? It's not that I am superhuman, you just have to try for yourself to see how easy it is! I did it with a simple Trumpeter rivet maker tool.
14 November 2018, 18:11

Alex, can you quit this site? You are making me feel totally inadequate! Keep up the lessons 👍
16 November 2018, 07:30

Lol, what is making you so uncomfortable 😄 I feel inadequate posting this avoidable plastering orgy...
16 November 2018, 09:31

Thanks mates!
Agustin, I defintely am going to build this "SKM" Flanker one day, always liked the black/grey scheme, yours looks fantastic and I see you did your research homework and even added the refueling probe! Anything else you changed compared to the "SM" model? Would love to see more WIP pictures 👍
22 November 2018, 06:03

BTW I decided to build the training version from Lipetsk airbase with the two tone blue camouflage. I've got enough grey airplanes in my shelves!
22 November 2018, 06:13

Bwoaaah!!! Ich liebe deine Farben! I realy love your approach to getting those colors right! The preshading, mottling and choice of color is spot on! 👍
27 November 2018, 06:49

It's far away from "spot on", Patrick😢
The blue is definitely not "blue enough", paint tends to be more pale and dull when applied with an airbrush in comparison to the sample applied manually on paper, which looked ok colorwise. I already reworked that, pics following tomorrow.
27 November 2018, 18:34

I see what you mean; the colors in the cover picture are more vibrant. But still, the execution of the preshade, mottling and misting the main color looks really good.
27 November 2018, 18:41

Thanks! It's not misting actually, I put down quite wet coats but with very diluted paint.
27 November 2018, 18:45

This is some really fantastic work, and the step by step pics are wonderful! I know how difficult it can be to stop progress to take pics.
Looking forward to seeing what comes next!
27 November 2018, 19:32

Thank you mates!
Yeah Michael it is definitely distracting handling a camera when you are mid-process but these happen to be the most telling and interesting pictures of a WIP👍. The pictures are far from perfection but I try to progress myself, next step would be to install a nice "photo corner" with good lights, a nice uniform background and the camera steady.
28 November 2018, 05:53

Thanks! The bird is also finished already. Did not have the time to do proper pictures, New Years celebration and such....but definitiely following this week!
2 January 2019, 18:06

Lol no, don't you see I am wering glasses? 😄
Thanks Augie!
3 January 2019, 20:38

Thanks mates!
"How old is the photo Alex?" One week! Why 😄
4 January 2019, 09:26

Thanks Cuajete! i thought i'd give them a little more attention than I usually do for my 1:72nd stuff. The more I am glad that the effort payed off!
4 January 2019, 13:46

Guys, finally made some proper rollout pictures, enjoy!
5 January 2019, 20:44

The missile loadout btw is pure fantasy, I just wanted to have at least one of each missiles attached
5 January 2019, 20:50

Thanks Roland, thanks Martin! Yeah i am really happy with the colors too, was quite a challenge to hit the correct shades!
10 January 2019, 05:58

Good work and extensive coverage ,,,,, Congratulations ... I was looking for some buils of the kit ,,, and you have made me buy it ,,, thnkas for all the information
23 August 2022, 16:08

Love the demarcation clean lines between two colours. Also metal paintjob is superb! 👍
26 August 2022, 12:44

This is super high quality, great colors, great Metallics, stunning work 👍
26 August 2022, 15:40

Schöne Su-27, das Cockpit mit den PE Teilen sieht top aus! Die Triebswerksteile kann man sich aber wohl sparen und bei den Kit-Teilen bleiben, lese ich so raus?
Hab den Kit selbst (von Zvezda und Revell), bin gespannt wie die Unterschiede zur Revell/Hasegawa Variante sind.
20 March 2023, 07:44

Very nice build and paint job. I love the engine section. It looks perfect.👌 Congratulation!
20 March 2023, 08:19

Thx mates!
@Der Mattes: Die Düsen aus dem Kit sind brauchbar, Aires ist feiner detailliert aber meiner Meinung nach in der Form nicht ganz korrekt. Zvezda/Hase da hat Zvezda auf jeden Fall die Nase vorne, schon allein wegen der Tatsache, dass die Hasegawa Formen 30 Jahre alt sind.
20 March 2023, 13:28

Thx Alex, there was not much to correct honestly. The Zvezda kits are really good, probably best Su-27 family in 1:72 (from the 2014 tooling)
27 March 2023, 15:21