Vlákno začal Neuling

pridal nový fotoalbum.
113 28 January 2019, 11:34

Brilliant as usual! The photo taking is brilliant as well! Particularly love the tank damage.
28 January 2019, 16:22

WOW ! That brings back Memories ! Spot on with the Chocolate Chip DCU's, Awesome work !
28 January 2019, 20:24

Thank you mates! Robert, can you share your memories and explain the Chocolate Chip DCUs? Danke Thomas, sorry to say that for dramatic reasons the tank damage was inevitable.
30 January 2019, 06:55

I like it! On the one side the destroyed iraqie Tank with the US Boys and on the other side the british Tank. Really good!
30 January 2019, 07:56

So damn realistic that you can take some of the pictures as reference pics of the real deal. standing in awe in front of the pics. respect!
30 January 2019, 23:02

I was a Calvary Scout when I first joined the Army, I was assigned to the 2nd ACR in September of 1990 Then in February of 91 is when we invaded from Saudi into Iraq. it was the tankers that were involved in the Battle of 73 Eastings. I wasn't in the battle, but I saw the after math of of what the M1 was doing to the Iraqi Tanks. Literally the turrets would "POP"off the chassis because Russian Tank turrets are held in place by gravity. The DCU is the Army name for "DESERT COMBAT UNIFORM" it was the first desert uniform we had and because of the little black dots on the uniform it got the nick name of the Chocolate Chip pattern,which got phased out a few years later around 92-93 in favor of the Tri-Color DCU we had in Iraq you may have seen us wear between 03-06. So there is my memory's and the DCU definition. Thanks for a great Dio !
31 January 2019, 03:27

Thank you Ingo, Arne, Jan, Spanjaard, Robert and Timothy! Robert`s info is very interesting and I am honored that a participant of operation Desert Storm likes my diorama.
31 January 2019, 18:02

Thank you Zsolt and Richmond for your interest in and appreciation of my diorama.
14 February 2019, 23:18

This is really just an amazing diorama... That damaged area on the Iraqi tank is simply outstanding. Bravo!!!!
15 February 2019, 14:58

Incredibly realistic! Everything, the tanks, the figures, the dio... You are an inspiration for sure!
16 February 2019, 07:22

Thank you all mates! German modeler, Tom, Xerxes, Michael and Andreas, the tank damage was inspired by photos in the book "Desert storm ground war" by Jim Mesko. Michael, the three GI figures are from Verlinden Productions.
16 February 2019, 17:39

A superb diorama; something to inspire, and aspire to!
I applaud your bravery, and skill, in wrecking the T-62. I'm not sure that I could bring myself to do that.😉
21 February 2019, 07:27

Thank you Nigel! The tank damage was a must in this diorama, but I conceived that the Iraqi crew had left the tank before it was hit by the Hellfire missile.
21 February 2019, 20:00

This is how I remember them ! LOL !
21 February 2019, 20:04

You have an incredible talent to stage these ingeniously built models in atmospheric dioramas! It's more than amazing, it's brilliant!
22 February 2019, 11:43

Robert: that's one way of showing off those otherwise invisible interiors!😉 👍
22 February 2019, 13:24

@Nigel-Yeah ! was like a T-62 Convertible ! but then we told not to get to close the ones that were taken out by A-10's, some were radioactive from the depleted uranium rounds that destroyed them. Funny thing too was when I went back in 03 and two other deployments, there were bone yards of these old tanks we took out in 91, fenced off with "DANGER-RADIOACTIVE" posted all around them.
23 February 2019, 20:08

Another great one! I'm verry impress by the destroyed T-62.
22 January 2022, 12:41

Superb dio Neuling! 👍
The Challenger 1s I saw during Op Granby had the inverted V in black on their sides (and top) as Allied identification marks. However, I can not say that they all did as I only saw some of them during the conflict.
22 January 2022, 13:07

Good to see some UK armour.
Once more a perfectly mastered 'mise en scène'.
22 January 2022, 17:57

What a sight! To repeat myself - and others - this is a masterpiece in model making as well as in model photography!
22 January 2022, 18:53

I absolutely go with Roland and the others. I am particularly impressed by the painting of the uniform camo the cracked road wheels and the blasted box on the T-62. But these are only my favorite highlights on a highlight dio. Nice that this one popped up again.
22 January 2022, 20:50

Thanks a lot mates! - This is an old diorama inspired by the pictures I saw after Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm/Granby. With my new camera I took new pictures and pimped the album up. - Guy I´m honored to get positive feedback from a gulf war veteran! And your remark on the vehicle marking "V" is absolutely correct. In my reference booklets (both of them Concord Publications Company) "Blitzkrieg in the Gulf" by Yves Debay and "Operation Granby" by Bob Morrison nearly all British tanks have the "V" marking except for the tanks with the number "42" (written in black or white digits). Was the "42" a unit which did not go into battle or were the pictures taken before the battle began?
23 January 2022, 12:06

Hi Neuling, The numbers on the side of the MBTs were, I'm pretty certain, identification numbers within a Squadron of MBTs, i.e. 41, 42 and 43 for example would be the ID numbers for differing MBTs within the Sqn. The inverted V was not present when exercising before going into the war fighting phase so the photos you have seen are prior. Hope that helps. As I'm sure you can tell I did not serve with a tank Regt, I was a Medic.
23 January 2022, 14:47

Thank you Alex! - Very interesting infos from you, Guy. Maybe I should rename the album "Before the storm", but what about the damaged T 62 then? Btw hopefully you did not have to be too busy as a Medic ..........
24 January 2022, 17:15

Awesome diorama, Neuling 👍
The damage on the T-62 looks incredible.
25 January 2022, 11:10

I've noticed this a few times and of course it's a great job of yours!
the style of your photographs really suggests that it is a real scene!
29 January 2022, 10:33

Agree with Simon, just looks so real - like all your dioramas do. Your work is always a pleasure to see in the feed Neuling 👏 your photo skills are to be admired also mate 😎👌
29 January 2022, 23:41

Thanks a lot Andrea, Alister, Simon and Neil. Your feedback is highly motivating.
30 January 2022, 10:48

Those are some of most well painted miniature figures I have ever seen! And the wreck is incredibly detailed. Amazing work here!
3 February 2022, 07:40

Thanks a lot mates! - Dylana, this uniform camouflage pattern is not so difficult to paint, but I do not know yet how to paint the modern pattern with the tiny digital spots.
5 February 2022, 06:27

Haha, I wasn't shocked like last time, cuz I know you were the man who authored them.
I suddenly shared these pics with my friends, show them how much an ace modeler can create.
19 February 2022, 12:18

Excellent work! Especially the burned bits; really convincing.
19 February 2022, 14:18

Amazing job on the whole thing but that T-62 damage is on another level!
23 September 2022, 21:32

Thank you John! I´ve seen lots of pictures of damaged Iraqi equipment, but those damages are nothing compared to the pictures of totally destroyed Russian vehicles on the ORYX website.
24 September 2022, 10:49

Neuling, я первый раз сделал кусок асфальта для подставки на свой Тайфун-к...и понял сколько труда Вы вкладываете в свои диорамы...респект🤝
10 October 2022, 09:18

Another brill renditionNeuling.Recently purchased a Chally 1 so hope I do it justice.
10 October 2022, 12:34

Thank you mates! Much appreciated! - David, looking forward to your Challenger. Meanwhile there are kits better than the old one from Tamyia.
12 October 2022, 19:47

The detailed damage on the T-62 is superbly done. Your builds both inspire and depress me in equal measure. 🙂
29 October 2024, 17:54

Thank you, Mr James. I´m glad to inspire and sad to depress. Your work is remarkable and - also - inspiring.
8 November 2024, 10:51