Vlákno začal Neuling

pridal nový fotoalbum.
148 23 February 2020, 12:37

Very good work. It look's so real and vivid. Btw nice boots at the turret 🙂
23 February 2020, 14:00

This is only ridicolous! Very impressiv!; New project or old project? 😉
23 February 2020, 14:46

This is again a model of superlative, also your photos, simply stunning, ingenious in every form 👍
23 February 2020, 14:55

WOW! You really should stop showing the rest of us up.😉
Fabulous modelling AND photography!
23 February 2020, 15:23

Not my scale, but dat pic in the sun. Man, I thought it's a reference photo 👍
23 February 2020, 20:45

Thank you mates!! - Thomas, this is an old diorama. But the Sheridan tank is brand new. I replaced the old Sheridan with the new Tamiya Sheridan kit, which really is state of the art in every aspect. In direct comparison with this new model I fully realized the clumsiness of the old Tamiya kit. I also reworked the M 106 with a detailing set and added 2 new figures. So it was not only an update but an upgrade.
24 February 2020, 20:15

amazing result as always, composition, details, painting... master job. and the icing of the cake, great pictures!
26 February 2020, 08:35

Awesome work, you've captured the red earth of that conflict without it being the predominant thing. Great job
26 February 2020, 11:44

Neuling, your diorama's are always fascinating, and work is always impressive! Thanks for sharing.
27 February 2020, 05:01

Thank you mates for your appreciation! Makes me happy indeed. - Spanjaard, how about you pimping up your old Nam dio?
28 February 2020, 12:15

Wow! Speechless. Photographing in natural sunlight also adds realisim to your already high standards of work.
28 February 2020, 13:25

Extremely well done - both the build and the photography. Realistic in appearance.
1 March 2020, 13:57

Great stuff! If the ghost of George Patton saw those muddy boots hanging off the side, he'd have had a shit fit! 🙂
1 March 2020, 19:39

pimping my old Nam dio... certainly would be nice, but first, it has to travel 1700km.... not impossible. but complicated
1 March 2020, 22:37

Thank you Mark, Karinakim, Brian, Dave, bossy122 and coporado. Much appreciated! - Spanjaard, stick to the basic rule: No man left behind! So go get your guys back home!
3 March 2020, 10:07

Wow. Another home run by Neuling! Looks great, man. Got any build log photos so the rest of us can study at the feet of the dio master?😉
3 March 2020, 13:28

Wow! Incredibly realistic (again)! Neuling, you really play in the Master Class!
4 March 2020, 09:03

Thank you Holger and Peter! - Welcome back in town Holger! We missed your apt, emotional and competent comments.
6 March 2020, 13:52

What a great job. The entire diorama is perfect. When I saw your projects , I thought wow every one of them is an absolute masterpiece.
10 March 2020, 20:33

Neuling's garden being turned into a southeast Asian jungle backdrop!
Cool how you found new angles & setups for this dio, compared to the open-range views in the WW 2 👍. The colors and atmo in the pics are just great, you really know your camera-work! The models, figures (top job on the faces & composition), everything is in line with the time & setting - 1:35 press-photo award stuff! 👍
11 March 2020, 08:18

Thank you Marco, Zsolt and Slawo! - Circumstances now give me more time to work on my stash: Since one week I refrain from attending any social and cultural event and avoid public transportation and indoor sports.
14 March 2020, 11:18

I really like your diorama. First class painting job! I specially like the way you painted the figures.
14 March 2020, 12:49

can be a great modeler, but if you also good photographer thats a jackpot! 777
23 March 2020, 22:42

Great paintjob, great dio, great details, great photos, all as usual. A croud arround the vehicles. Very good 👍
23 March 2020, 23:18

Yeah this is good work, good presentation, good use of lighting, backgrounds and photography, an all round class act sir !! 🙂
there's a handful of pics in there that are quite convincing, the teaser and pic 4 in particular, well done Neuling !! 🙂
19 May 2020, 21:52

Again extraorinary Built and presentation.👍 Looking realistic like documentation scene wow!
Where do you store all this gems...
19 August 2020, 11:12

Thank you HammerMax, Derek, Dominik and Daniel! - Daniel, ich habe in meinem Arbeitszimmer eine kleine Glasvitrine mit einer Dioramen-Wechselausstellung. Ansonsten bewahre ich die Dioramen einzeln in staubsicheren Plastikboxen auf, die ich auf dem Speicher staple.
21 August 2020, 09:10

Thanks Rick and Chad! - Rick, I´m honored to have acclaim of a senior artillery officer.
24 August 2020, 19:23

Hi Neuling and congrats for your amazing dio! I'm a pure beginner in diorama and your project is kind of the dream to be able to do one day especially in this VietNam subject ^^ (Sorry for my average English, as basic French I'm not excellent in foreign langage^^) I was wondering, what kind of decals did you use for M106? In tamiya's kit, there's no Vietnam decoration included if I checked good instruction online. thanks for your work and impressive pictures of it by the way!
4 March 2022, 15:10

Thank you mates, your positive feedback is much appreciated! - A L, I took the decals for the M 106 out of my "decal left over box", so I cannot tell from which kit they originated.
5 March 2022, 11:09

Hi Neuling, amazing work! Your scene setting is tremendous - I wasnt gong to use figures in my planned 'Battlefield' diorama but youve changed my mind - have only painted pilots so far! Your photo skills are great!...are you taking them outside (looks like natural sun light or with backgrd photo drops?
23 September 2022, 21:20

Thank you Cliff Kidd! - Nearly all of the pictures I post here are taken in open daylight in my garden.
26 September 2022, 07:58

Imagine 4... so hard to tell that it's a model! Looks like the real thing. 👍
29 January 2023, 00:00

Thank you, mates! Much appreciated! - And Leszek, thanks for the many kind likes!
31 January 2023, 08:36

Hi Neuling. Your all projects are so much inspiring and the execution is superb, there is no other way just to give them all many likes!
1 February 2023, 14:33

Amazing! Your photography, as always, is incredible. I particularly like the details, like the stowage on the tank.
5 February 2023, 15:27