Military Illustrated Modeller 31Issuečasopis:Military Illustrated Modellerčíslo:31 | November 2013Jazyk:EnglishObsahNews | Page 4News Build Report, 1:48 | Page 6Korean War Ground Pounder by Brett GreenF4U-4B CorsairHobbyBoss 1:4880388 2013 Nové diely F4U or F6F Wheel Set Circumferential tread True Details 1:4848013 1993 Nový nástroj F4U-4 Corsair - Propeller & Cowling Set for HobbyBoss True Details 1:4848552 WW II US Navy Instrument Dial DecalsAirscale 1:48AS48 USN 2011 Nový nástroj Allied Cockpit PlacardsAirscale 1:48AS48 PLA 2011 Nový nástroj F4U-4 Corsair Part 3Cutting Edge Modelworks 1:48CED48269 2004 Nový nástroj Build Report, 1:32 | Page 20Naked Natter by James HatchBachem Ba 349V Natter Fly 1:3232001 2010 Nový nástroj News | Page 32Queensland Model and Hobby Expo 2013 by Brett Green Build Report, 1:32 | Page 36Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder by Dirk PolchowRE.8 "Harry Tate"Wingnut Wings 1:3232012 2010 Nový nástroj RFC Bomb Tail & Rack PE Detail Set (for Wingnut Wings) HGW Models 1:32132020 2011 Nový nástroj RFC Lewis/Vickers Gun - PE Detail (for Wingnut Wings) HGW Models 1:32132019 2011 Nový nástroj Review, 1:72 | Page 44Island Hopper by Brett GreenMitsubishi A6M3 Zero Fighter Model 32 (Hamp) Tamiya 1:7260784 (84) 2013 Nové diely Build Report, 1:32 | Page 46Desert Stormer by Leo StevensonTornado GR. Mk. 1 RAF Limited Edition Revell 1:3204705 (80-4705) 2013 Nové pole Panavia Tornado Exhaust Nozzles for Revell kit Aires 1:322124 2010 Nový nástroj RAFPanavia Tornado - JP233s (2 Pcs.) Paragon Designs 1:3232026 Viac tém (1!!)Panavia Tornado Pitot Tube & Angle Of Attack probesMaster 1:32AM-32-033 Panavia Tornado IDS Revell Aires 1:322130 News, 1:32 | Page 48How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 F4U-1 Corsair by Marcus Nicholls Build Report, 1:48 | Page 50Jet Fueller by Jason WoollettR-11 US/NATO Fuel Truck Skunkmodels 1:4862001 2013 Nový nástroj Review, 1:48 | Page 53Alpha Jet by Mick EvamsAlpha Jet A/EKinetic 1:48K48043 2013 Nový nástroj Build Report, 1:48 | Page 54Griffin Rising by Kamil Feliks SztarbataJAS-39A/C GripenKitty Hawk 1:48KH80117 2013 Nový nástroj Review, 1:32 | Page 62A Flying Legend, Now In 1:32 by Marcus NichollsB-17G Flying Fortress Heavy Bomber HK Models 1:3201E04 2013 Nový nástroj Review, 1:72 | Page 66Tailpiece by Mark DaviesSmall Scale Wonder WurgerFocke-Wulf Fw190A-8Airfix 1:72A01020 2013 Nový nástroj