Model Military International 123

- časopis:
- Model Military International
- číslo:
- 123 | July 2016
- Jazyk:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - July 2016
What’s new in the world of military modelling
by Stuart RansleyStuart Ransley describes the origins, development and specifications of the BMPT and BMPT-72 armoured close-support vehicles.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 14TERMINATOR!
by Andrew JudsonAndrew Judson builds Meng’s new 1:35 scale BMPT Fire Support Combat Vehicle.

"Terminator" Fire Support Combat Vehicle BMPT w/KMT-8 Mine Clearing System & EMT Electromagnetic Countermine System Meng Model 1:35
TS-010 2014 Nové diely Build Report, 1:35 | Page 22MONSIEUR PINOCCHIO
by Brett GreenBrett Green builds Tamiya’s brand new 1:35 scale AMX-13 almost straight from the box.
Review, 1:35 | Page 32CZECH PANZER
by Andy KingAndy King takes a look at Academy’s re-issued 1:35 scale Pz.Kpfw. 35(t).
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 34THE SOLDIER’S BRIDE
by Rafael León Luque / Carlos Alba López / Joaquín García GázquezHorch 108, 1st Panzer Division, Russia 1941 by the Almería Modelismo Team Model Assembly: Rafael León Luque Panting: Carlos Alba López Weathering, Base and Figure: Joaquín García Gázquez. Translation: Francisco J. LaoMoya
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 44EARLY LEOPARD BUILD
by Andy KingAfter his recent in-box review, Andy King liked the new Revell 1:35 scale Leopard 1 so much that he built it! He shares his construction tips in this Build Preview.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 48NORTHERN EXPOSURE
by Brett GreenBack in 2010, Brett Green built Tamiya’s then new 1:35 scale BT-7 Model 1935 (early version).
by Brett GreenThe Editor heads south of Sydney to visit the 2016 NSW Scale Model Competition and Expo.
Review, 1:35 | Page 58ULTIMATE TIGER
by Brett GreenThe Editor examines the newest 1:35 scale Tiger I on the block – Ryefield Models’ Tiger I Gruppe Fehrmann.

Tiger I Gruppe "Fehrmann" April 1945 Northern Germany
Rye Field Model (RFM) 1:35
RM-5005 2016 Nové diely Review, 1:35 | Page 59VERSATILE ABRAMS
by Brett GreenThe Editor examines the contents of Ryefield Model’s all-new 1:35 scale Abrams, which may be built as one of three distinct versions.

U.S. Main Battle Tank
M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK I / TUSK II / M1A1 TUSK 3 in 1 Rye Field Model (RFM) 1:35
RM-5004 2016 Nový nástroj Review, 1:48 | Page 601:48 Scale
by Luke PittLuke Pitt explores 1:48 scale military models, figures and accessories

Weapon Carrier WC 52 Swedish Airforce Towtruck "Terrängbil 1 1/2T D"
Pilot Replicas 1:48
48-R-004 2016 Nový nástroj 
British Bedford MWD Light Truck Wheel Set for Airfix
Def.Model 1:48
Country Line Three Dogs
ToRo Model 1:48