Model Military International 74

- časopis:
- Model Military International
- číslo:
- 74 | June 2012
- Jazyk:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - June '12
What's new in the world of military modelling
Reference | Page 6T-54/T-55 MAIN BATTLE TANK FAMILY
by Bruce CulverBruce Culver discusses the development, attributes and operators of the iconic T-54/T-55 Main Battle Tank family.
Reference | Page 14BOVINGTON ENIGMA
by Brett GreenBrett Green takes a walk around The Tank Museum's T·55 Enigma and finds some interesting details for modelers.
by Brett GreenThe Editor wastes no time building Tamiya's new 1:35 scale Iraqi uparmoured T-55 Enigma.
Review, 1:35 | Page 24AFTER THE EASTERN BLOC
by Brett GreenZvezda has released a 1:35 scale state-of-the-art kit of the latest Russian Main Battle Tank, the T-90.
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 26MID-SIZE MARDER
by Emilio Bonachera LópezTamiya's 1:48 scale Marder Ill Ausf. M features in a group build of a winter scene on the Eastern Front
Review, 1:35 | Page 36PANDA M-ATV
by Ross FerroThings are hotting up in the modern armoured vehicle market with a second M-ATV in 1:35 scale. Ross Ferro examines Panda's new MRAP.
Build Report, 1:10 | Page 38GERONIMO!
by Matt WellhouserMatt Wellhouser takes on Young Miniatures' big 1:10 "82nd Airborne Bust Normandy 1944 - Geronimo".

US Paratroopers 82nd Airborne Normandy 1944 Sculptor: Young B. Song
Young Miniatures 1:10
YM1824 20** Nový nástroj Review, 1:35 | Page 42TASTY PASTY
by Andy KingDragon has come to the rescue of modellers who don't like to make their own zimmerit anti-magnetic paste texture for their models with their new 1:35 scale Jagdpanzer IV L/70. Andy King takes a look.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 44THE GREEN BOBIK
by Federico ColladaFederico Collada builds, paints and weathers MiniArt's 1:35 scale Soviet armoured car, the BA-64B "Bobik".
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 46DIGITAL BUCKET
by Wayne BowmanWayne Bowman kitbashes the venerable ESCI Hammer Head with Trumpeter's newer M113 ACAV to deliver a much improved M901 in 1:72 scale.
Review, 1:35 | Page 52TANK OF STEEL
by Brett GreenThe Editor reviews Tamiya's brand-new 1:48 scale JS-2, named after Josef Stalin - the Man of Steel.
Miscellaneous | Page 53Diary Dates
A listing of upcoming worldwide models shows and event
Review, 1:35 | Page 54Incoming
New kits, products and accessories get our initial thoughts

Churchill ARV II (or Nr. 35051X including AFV-Club parts) (for AFV Club)
Inside the Armour ITA3 1:35
35051 Review, 1:72 | Page 56Small Scale
News and reviews in 1:72 and 1:76 scales

Heavy Anti-Aircraft Gun FlaK 36/37 with Crew WWII Zvezda 1:72
6158 2016 Nové pole Viac tém (1!!)Review, 1:48 | Page 581:48 Scale
by Luke PittLuke Pitt explores 1:48 scale military models, figures and accessories.
by Graham TetleyGraham Tetley takes a look at Bronco's latest 1:35 scale WWII Allied subject - the M24 Chaffee.

US Light Tank M-24 'Chaffee' (Early prod.) w/crew (NW Europe 1944-45)
Bronco 1:35
CB35069 2012 Nové diely Editorial | Page 66The Last Post...
by Brett GreenLate breaking news and ramblings from the Editor