Model Military International 5

- časopis:
- Model Military International
- číslo:
- 5 | September 2006
- Jazyk:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline . Sept '06
Events, clubs and shows, plus industry announcements
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 8CUTE LITTLE CRUISER
by Keith GoldsworthyKeith Goldsworthy gets his hands on one an early sample of Tamiya's latest 1:48 release
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 14WALTZING MATILDA
by Sam DwyerSam Dwyer converts Tamiya's venerable old Matilda into the Australian vehicles seen in the Jungles of the Far East.

Australian Matilda Conversion
Firestorm Models 1:35
Generic stencil style lettering (white) commonly found on Allied WWII vehicles
Archer 1:35
AR35108W 2001 Nový nástroj Build Report, 1:35 | Page 20BIG BAD BUFFALO
by John MurphyThe Editor builds the Italeri kit of the LVT 4

Canadian / British Tank Commander Europe - Late 1944-45
Ultracast 1:35
Canadian / British Tank Crewman Europe - 1944-45
Ultracast 1:35
Canadian/British Tank Crewman with Jerrycan N.W. Europe 1944
Ultracast 1:35
Canadian/British Tank Commander Normandy - 1944
Ultracast 1:35
35029 Reference | Page 26ROEBLING'S ALLIGATORS
by David DoyleFull size reference for the LVT 4
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 301:72 CROMWELL MODELS ISRAELI M60 BATASH
by John MurphyThe Editor finally gets around to building something in 1:72, albeit one that only has about 10 parts!

Magach 6 Batash
Cromwell Models 1:72
72002 Tips & Tricks | Page 32BREATHE EASY
by Nik GrundstromNik Grundstrom explains how to make a cheap and ingenious spray booth for the princely sum of £35.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 34RETRO-RAD
by Kev SmithKev Smith shows what can be done with an oldie and some imagination
News | Page 38IT'S SHOWTIME
2006 MAFVA show report
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 40HANOMAGULANCE
by Wayne TimmoWayne Timmo converts Tamiya's trusty 251/1D half-track into an armoured ambulance ...

Barbed Wire
Verlinden Productions 1:35
Sd.Kfz.251/8 D ambulance interior set (TAMIYA) Re-work
MR Modellbau 1:35
MR-35052 News | Page 44Book Reviews
A look at the latest titles to land on our doorstep
News | Page 48Letters
The place to air your comments, suggestions and thoughts
Review | Page 50Figures
A round-up of the latest figured sets on release ...

German Head Set #65 (6 Resin K
Warriors 1:35
German BR52 Locomotive Crew
Warriors 1:35
LVT Drivers
Warriors 1:35
35599 Reference | Page 52MOBILE AIR DEFENCE
This month we bring you the British Army's mobile air defence system Stormer HVM
Review, 1:35 | Page 57SMALL BUT WITH A BIG STING
by Keith GoldsworthyA flaming good conversion for British armour fans.

Resicast 1:35
35.136 Review | Page 58Incoming
New kits, products and accessories get our initial thoughts

Ammo 75mm for M4 Sherman
CMK (Czech Master Kits) 1:72
US WWII Antenna Mounts and Masts
Formations 1:35
M-26 Pershing Mantlets & Muzzle Brake Set Tamiya VLS - Trakz 1:35
TX 0022 2003 Nový nástroj 
Canvas for US M3 Half Track
Blast Models 1:35
Special Sherman / 22 different Models
Gaso.line 1:48
GAS50910 Review, 1:35 | Page 62A LITTLE BEAUTY
by Paul EgertonMiniArt's first armour model could be a real winner...
Editorial | Page 66MODELLERS BLOCK
by John MurphyJust when you think your modelling projects are going so well, all of a sudden...