Model Military International 29

- časopis:
- Model Military International
- číslo:
- 29 | September 2008
- Jazyk:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline-September'08
Events, clubs and shows, plus industry announcements
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 6LAST OF THE LINE
by Glenn BowenGlenn Bowen takes a rest from complex builds and gets stuck into Miniart's T-80 out of the box.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 12D-DAY "LOST IN HELL"
by José BritoJosé Brito describes the idea and methods used to create this Normandy vignette.
Review, 1:35 | Page 18GRIZZLY BEAR
by John MurphyThe Editor takes a peek in the box of Tristar's all new Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär.
Review, 1:35 | Page 20MOANING MINNIE
by Darren ThompsonDarren Thompson takes a look at Lion Roar's Impressive multi-media 'Nebelwerfer' rocket launcher.
Build Report, 1:16 | Page 22"HANS, I THINK THEY WANT IT BACK!" EASTERN FRONT 1945
by Matt WellhouserMatt Wellhouser explains how he built this stunning diorama based around Trumpeter's 1:16th scale T-34/85.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 30LAST RESORT (SEPTEMBER 1946) PART 1
by Jan PetersJan Peters reviews and builds Trumpeters second Paper Panzer, the E10 in the first part of his extended article.
News | Page 38DX-08
by John MurphyThe Editor makes his annual pilgrimage to the MAFVA Nationals held at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford.
Review | Page 42Figures
A round-up of the latest figures on release

3rd Fallschirmjäger Division + King Tiger Henschel Production Part 2
Dragon 1:72
7362 2008 Modelová sada Viac tém (2)
Royal Airforce Woman WWII
Dartmoor Military Models 1:32
Fallschirmjäger w/Kurzer 8cm Granatwerfer42
Dragon 1:35
Dartmoor Military Models 1:48
U.S. Ranger, 1944
Pegaso Models 1:35
US MP and British Civilian Policeman WWII
Dartmoor Military Models 1:48
48M023 News | Page 46Book Reviews
A look at the latest titles to land on our doorstep
News | Page 48Letters
The place to air your comments, suggestions and thoughts
Review, 1:48 | Page 50FORD'S FIRST S.U.V.
by Doug FrameDoug Frame examines Tamiya's second incarnation of their M8 Armoured Car, the M20 Armoured Utility Car.
News | Page 51DIARY DATES
A listing of the up and coming model shows and events.
Reference | Page 52STAGHOUND
by Gary NorrisGary Norris offers us some useful reference photos of the beautifully restored Staghound Armoured Car on show at last year's War and Peace show held at the Hop Farm, Beltring in Kent. If you haven't started that Bronco or Italeri kit, then now is the time.
Review, 1:35 | Page 57BETTER BRENS
by Graeme CarruthersOver the last couple of years the Belgian company Resicast have been producing some great sets for all things Allied. Greame Carruthers looks at three of the latest.
News | Page 58INCOMING
New kits, products and accessories get our initial thoughts
Tips & Tricks, 1:35 | Page 66THE LAST POST... Techniques