29 December 2014, 14:11

Really nice. First time I've seen blue on top and green underneath. Gary
29 December 2014, 19:30

On the same plane emblem Ukrainian Air Force and Navy of the USSR. ??????
30 December 2014, 03:57

I found drawings of this plane's markings on The-Blueprints.com with the Russian Navy flag. I don't know how to add images to a post. Gary
30 December 2014, 12:44

Thanx everyone!
@Izek, I think that it flew in Sebastopol, Black Seafleet, in the nineties.
@ gary, it is a pity you cannot upload the pictures.
30 December 2014, 21:05

The same board with the Russian Air Force signs. There's also a photo of the board with repainted signs.
31 December 2014, 13:22

This drawing and photo with the school airfield military engineering school in Wasilkow (near Kiev) 1994. Was used as a training tool for engineering services. Did not fly.
31 December 2014, 18:38

Always ready to help. As my colleagues from the site Scalemodels.ru.
2 January 2015, 09:21