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John E (aerogent)

Hobby Boss F2A Buffalo


2 21 February 2015, 17:56
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
Nice little bird
 21 February 2015, 18:04
John E autor
Thank you, Ricardo.
 21 February 2015, 18:27
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 21 February 2015, 23:06
John E autor
Thank you!
 22 February 2015, 17:29
Hanno Kleinecke
Clean and beautyful job !
 22 February 2015, 19:22
Soeren R.
Looks awesome!
 22 February 2015, 19:30
soheil moghisi
very nice.
 23 February 2015, 14:02
John E autor
Thank you Hanno, Soeren, and Soheil! I appreciate your comments. It's a fun little kit.
 23 February 2015, 21:56
Ulf Petersen
Hi John, nice Buffalo and beautiful presentation!👍
 24 February 2015, 06:26
John E autor
Thanks Ulf!
 24 February 2015, 17:40
Michael O'Hagan
seriously good John lovely model.
 25 February 2015, 08:25
John E autor
Thanks Michael. It wasn't a lot of work but I was happy with the result.
 25 February 2015, 20:28
Bill Davis
Looks very good. The Buffalo is one of my favorite forgotten fighters.
 25 February 2015, 22:56

Album info

I took a break from modeling in the summer and fall and only recently started up again. This is out of the box except for the life raft. I didn't do anything else with the cockpit.

5 snímky
1:72 US F2A Buffalo (HobbyBoss 80290)

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